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Author Archives: web_admin

Family Digital Quest weekends at Esplora

July 24, 2019 at 12:08 pm

Family Digital Quest weekends at Esplora

Esplora, in collaboration with Avantis and the Directorate for Digital Literacy and Transversal Skills within MEDE, would like to invite Year 5 and Year 6 students (for scholastic year 2019-2020) for a series of Family Digital Quest weekends. Choose one day and join us for the first event which will take place on Saturday 27th […]

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MUT’s position regarding the proposed requirement for newly employed teachers – Enough provisions already in force

July 22, 2019 at 2:59 pm

MUT’s position regarding the proposed requirement for newly employed teachers – Enough provisions already in force

The MUT is hereby issuing its position following media reports about alleged new requirements for teachers as proposed by the Council for the Teaching Profession. The MUT notes that there are currently two provisions in force which act as safeguards upon joining the teaching profession. New recruits have to provide a valid certificate of conduct […]

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MUT issues directives to Student Services grades in State and Church Schools – negotiations of new agreement fail

July 19, 2019 at 9:13 am

MUT issues directives to Student Services grades in State and Church Schools – negotiations of new agreement fail

Following an ultimatum and a declaration of a trade dispute with the Ministry for Education, the Malta Union of Teachers is issuing a set of nine directives to Student Services grades working with the Ministry for Education and the Secretariat of Catholic Education. These directives are being issued following over 12 months of negotiations on […]

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Sacred Heart College Vacancies

July 19, 2019 at 8:30 am

Sacred Heart College Vacancies

The Sacred Heart College, Junior School, St. Julians has issued vacancies for the following posts: – Part-time Music Teacher – Primary School Teacher – Learning Support Assistant Interested candidates are to submit an application, together with a detailed CV and an accreditation letter for teaching and LSE post issued by the Accreditation Unit to the: […]

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Meeting for Educators at the Quality Assurance Department

July 18, 2019 at 10:18 am

Meeting for Educators at the Quality Assurance Department

The MUT is inviting members to attend an important meeting for educators rendering services at the Quality Assurance Department. The Union shall discuss the implications of a new legislation which shall come into force in the coming months. The meeting shall be held on Thursday 25th July at noon at MUT in Ħamrun. Attendance is […]

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MUT declares ultimatum on Student Services Agreement

July 8, 2019 at 11:48 am

MUT declares ultimatum on Student Services Agreement

In correspondence with the MEDE Permanent Secretary, the MUT declared an ultimatum regarding negotiations of the agreement for Student Services. Discussions on the financials have been never ending and the Union has submitted its position repeatedly. To this effect, the MUT has declared an ultimatum until Friday 12th July. This means that if no satisfactory […]

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Melita package updated with new Offers

July 8, 2019 at 11:41 am

Melita package updated with new Offers

After a good number of MUT members subscribed and are now benefiting from the current Melita offers, Melita has decided to take a step further and include a new mobile package ‘Flow 3’ from which members can benefit even further. Click HERE for the updated list of offers.

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Activity for Retired Educators – particularly those retiring this year

July 8, 2019 at 11:38 am

Activity for Retired Educators – particularly those retiring this year

The Retired Educators’ Section is organising an activity for retired educators, especially those retiring this year. This event, in fact, aims at bringing together retired, newly retired and soon-to-be retired teachers together. It will be a lunch at Pepe Nero Restaurant, at The Valletta Waterfront on Friday 12 July 2019. For information on how to […]

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