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Author Archives: web_admin

Laqgħat għall-membri

September 9, 2019 at 12:07 pm

Laqgħat għall-membri

L-MUT qed torganizza numru ta’ laqgħat għall-membri sabiex kull min jixtieq jistaqsi u jiddiskuti xi issues ikun jista’ direttament. Ser nibdew b’dawn il-gradi imma ser ikun hemm ukoll opportunità għal gradi oħra skont kemm ikun hemm rikjesta: – L-Erbgħa 18 ta’ Settembru fl-4pm għall-KGEs – Iklikkja HAWN biex tirreġistra. – Il-Ħamis 19 ta’ Settembru fl-4pm […]

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Proposti Relatati mal-Ingaġġ ta’ Għalliema Barranin, l-MUT kontra kull miżura ‘faċli’ li ma ssolvix il-problemi fil-qasam edukattiv

September 8, 2019 at 4:31 pm

Proposti Relatati mal-Ingaġġ ta’ Għalliema Barranin, l-MUT kontra kull miżura ‘faċli’ li ma ssolvix il-problemi fil-qasam edukattiv

F’reazzjoni għal artiklu li ħareġ illum f’gazzetta dwar diskussjonijiet bejn MEDE u MUT għall-ingaġġ ta’ għalliema barranin, l-MUT terġa’ ttenni dak li ilha tgħid is-snin u li sostniet mal-istess Ministeru. L-MUT tinsisti li biex tibda tiġi indirizzata l-problema, jeħtieġ li jiġu mwettqa l-ħafna proposti li għamlet l-MUT li bħalissa hemm diskussjoni dwarhom. Dawn il-proposti, li […]

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LSEs in Kindergarten 1 – Joint Press Release by MUT and MEDE

September 4, 2019 at 11:00 am

LSEs in Kindergarten 1 – Joint Press Release by MUT and MEDE

MEDE and MUT refer to the Class Support Learning Support Educators (LSE) to be introduced in Kindergarten 1 from the October 2019 intake and in subsequent years as stipulated in the Sectoral Agreement of 2017. This introduction is in line with and builds upon the recommendations arising from the audit carried out by the European […]

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Reminder on use of mobile phones for work-related purposes

September 3, 2019 at 9:18 am

Reminder on use of mobile phones for work-related purposes

The MUT would like to remind members that unless an educator is given funding for a mobile phone (including the mobile phone service one is using), the person is under no obligation to use his/her personal mobile phone to answer work-related calls. This applies even during working hours and applies to all educators such as […]

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Update – Changes in Kindergarten 1

August 30, 2019 at 8:37 pm

Update – Changes in Kindergarten 1

The MUT is currently holding intensive discussions with the Ministry for Education to finalise the implementation procedure regarding Class Support LSEs being introduced in Kindergarten 1 as from September. Discussions have resumed after the MUT communicated its position that it was not agreeing with the implementation as announced in a circular issued. These discussions shall […]

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Kjarifika dwar il-bidla fil-Kindergarten 1 minn Settembru 2019

August 27, 2019 at 12:25 pm

Kjarifika dwar il-bidla fil-Kindergarten 1 minn Settembru 2019

L-MUT qed tagħti l-kuntest rigward il-bidla fil-Kindergarten sabiex il-membri jkunu aġġornati bl-informazzjoni korretta minn min kien, u għadu, jirrapreżenta l-interessi tal-edukaturi kollha. Qabel ma’ tkomplew in-negozjati tal-ftehim settorali mill-amministrazzjoni tal-MUT preżenti, il-mudell li kien qed jiġi diskuss kien dak ta’ Classroom Assistant. Dan kien ser ifisser li kien ser jinħoloq grad differenti u dawk biss […]

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MUT declares its mistrust in the Directorate for Educational Services – ready to take action regarding proposed changes in Kindergarten

August 23, 2019 at 8:38 pm

MUT declares its mistrust in the Directorate for Educational Services – ready to take action regarding proposed changes in Kindergarten

The MUT communicated with the Ministry for Education and Employment and made it clear that it shall stop the implementation of the emerging curriculum in kindergarten if the Directorate for Educational Service proceeds with its plans to change statementing procedures in kindergarten without any consideration for the issues raised by MUT in the past months. […]

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MUT objects to changes in LSE system due to critical pending issues

August 23, 2019 at 12:02 pm

MUT objects to changes in LSE system due to critical pending issues

Following lack of proper consultation and discussion by the Directorate for Educational Services to iron out pending issues, the MUT is objecting to the change in which a new LSE class support system is to be introduced in Kinder 1 this scholastic year. With this system, learners with one-to-one statement of needs shall continue to […]

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Meeting for Student Services

August 23, 2019 at 11:58 am

Meeting for Student Services

A meeting for members and prospective members working at Student Services is being held on Friday 30th August at 12pm at the MUT offices in Ħamrun. The purpose of the meeting is to update members about the collective agreement negotiations. Members and prospective members interested in attending should fill in the form HERE.

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Esplora invites educators to join its Official Facebook Educators Group

August 23, 2019 at 11:45 am

Esplora invites educators to join its Official Facebook Educators Group

Esplora Interactive Science Centre have just launched a new ‘Esplora Official Educators Group’ on Facebook and is encouraging educators to join. This space is created for all grades of EDUCATORS to keep themselves fully informed about Esplora’s school related programmes and events. The group is part of the Science Communication and STEM Engagement department within […]

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