In 2013, the Malta Union of Teachers launched The Educator, which is a peer-reviewed journal of educational matters. Its objective is to publish research on any aspect of education and to seek to attract contributions which help to promote debate on educational matters and present new or updated research in the field of education.
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The Educator – A Journal of Educational Matters
The objective of this annual, peer-reviewed journal is to publish research on any aspect of education. It seeks to attract contributions which help to promote debate on educational matters and present new or updated research in the field of education. Such areas of study include human development, learning, formal and informal education, vocational and tertiary education, lifelong learning, the sociology of education, the philosophy of education, the history of education, curriculum studies, the psychology of education, and any other area which is related to the field of education including teacher trade unionism.
This journal accepts articles from teachers, academics, administrators, graduate students, policy-makers, education specialists and any other author or researcher whose work contributes to the different facets of education and related areas.
It is the aim of The Educator to publish articles which cover particular dimensions such as:
a. The integration of education with other academic disciplines including history, law, linguistics, anthropology, demography, philosophy, economics, psychology, political science, and sociology, among others.
b. The examination of educational issues from a cross-cultural perspective.
c. The inclusion of substantive findings that may be of help to policy-makers and practice.
d. The examination of information technology in the field of education.
e. The implementation of research methods and measurement processes which are clearly presented.
f. The presentation of theories, models or conceptual frameworks in the field of education.
g. The exposition of research findings derived from comparative and cross-national studies in education.
h. The presentation and discussion of material derived from primary sources including archival documents, primary data and resource persons.
i. Any other dimension which the editorial board deems compatible with the overall objectives of the journal.
Authors who are interested in having their work published in The Educator may contact the editor on