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MOU on Elearning for Primary State Schools

Click HERE to download the Memorandum of Understanding between the DQSE and the DES and the Malta Union of Teachers on the Implementation of the ELearning Platform (Fronter) in Primary State Schools.

MUT Memorandum to Political Parties

In August 2012, the MUT issued a memorandum to political parties in the run up to the General Elections which were held in 2013. This document contained points of principle and proposals and can be downloaded HERE.

Teachers’ (Code of Ethics) – Regulations

For the latest version issued in 2012, please click HERE to download the English version and HERE to download the Maltese version.

The Public Service Management Code (PSMC)

The PSMC brings together, in concise form, all standing regulations, circulars and policies on HR Management in the Public Service including all grades employed in the Education sector. Click HERE (an external link) to view the latest version of the document at the PAHRO (Public Administration HR Office) website.

More Policy Documents

For further information and other useful resources, please click HERE (you will be redirected to the website of the Ministry of Education and Employment).