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Author Archives: web_admin

Various Church School Vacancies

July 8, 2019 at 11:34 am

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – Assistant Head (Secondary) – St Francis School, Sliema – Deadline is 20th July 2019.– Head of Department (Curriculum) – Accounting – Deadline is 22nd July 2019.– Head of Department (Curriculum) – Religion […]

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Stqarrija: Kontradizzjoni mill-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni fi ftit jiem – l-MUT toġġezzjona deċiżjonijiet u riformi bla ftehim u bla konsiderazzjoni

June 28, 2019 at 8:59 am

Stqarrija: Kontradizzjoni mill-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni fi ftit jiem – l-MUT toġġezzjona deċiżjonijiet u riformi bla ftehim u bla konsiderazzjoni

Bħal sajjetta fil-bnazzi fi tmiem sena skolastika l-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni ħabbar riforma oħra fis-sistema edukattiva, din id-darba fl-iskejjel primarji. Filwaqt li din ir-riforma ma kienet qatt ġiet diskussa mal-MUT fit-taħditiet tal-Ftehim Settorjali, u għaldaqstant mhix inkluża fl-ebda ftehim, l-MUT tinnota li jeżistu mill-inqas żewġ kurrenti fl-istess Ministeru li mhumiex qed jaħdmu flimkien. Dan għaliex din is-sena […]

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MUT invites members in Post-Secondary Sixth Forms to provide feedback in preparation for a new agreement

June 27, 2019 at 12:35 pm

MUT invites members in Post-Secondary Sixth Forms to provide feedback in preparation for a new agreement

As announced previously, MUT shall be negotiating a new agreement (the first of its kind) for post-secondary institutions (Higher Secondary, Gozo Sixth Form, GEM16+, ALP +, St Aloysius Sixth Form and De La Salles Sixth Form) and is hereby inviting members to submit their feedback/suggestions and other relevant information through the dedicated form being produced. […]

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MUT signs new Collective agreement with St. Edward’s College

June 26, 2019 at 12:38 pm

MUT signs new Collective agreement with St. Edward’s College

The Malta Union of Teachers and St. Edward’s College have today signed a new collective agreement for educators at the school following an unanimous vote. The new agreement includes an improved financial package with increases in both basic salary, allowances and improved working conditions. The MUT would like to thank the delegate at the school […]

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Works resources allowance not to be used on school stationery

June 26, 2019 at 10:15 am

Works resources allowance not to be used on school stationery

The MUT is informed that some schools are requesting educators to use the works resources allowance to buy markers and other stationery items. This is unacceptable as all stationery for school use needs to be provided through the school budgets. Members are being directed to report such requests to the Union.

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MUT Gozo Office – 10th July 2019

June 26, 2019 at 10:00 am

MUT Gozo Office – 10th July 2019

Date: Wednesday 10th July 2019 Time: 10am – 12pm For appointments please email or call the MUT during office hours. The address for the Gozo office is 86, Vajringa Street, Victoria.

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UPDATED: Teachers at St Thomas More Secondary forced to sign declaration

June 25, 2019 at 10:46 am

UPDATED: Teachers at St Thomas More Secondary forced to sign declaration

The MUT is objecting to pressure being placed on teachers at St Thomas More College for them to sign a declaration stating that they are refusing SEAC. The MUT has already reported the matter to the Ministry for Education and Employment and is directing teachers to refrain from signing any document in this regard. 26th […]

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