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Author Archives: web_admin

Stqarrija: L-MUT tispjega s-sitwazzjoni dwar l-Eżamijiet tal-Malti u l-Matematika – mhix ser tiġi intimidata minn theddid tal-Ministeru

June 3, 2019 at 7:15 pm

Stqarrija: L-MUT tispjega s-sitwazzjoni dwar l-Eżamijiet tal-Malti u l-Matematika – mhix ser tiġi intimidata minn theddid tal-Ministeru

L-MUT tixtieq tagħti l-verżjoni tal-fatti dwar il-kwistjoni li għandha mal-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni dwar l-eżamijiet tal-Malti u l-Matematika fl-iskejjel sekondarji. Din mhix kwistjoni li nqalgħet dan l-aħħar iżda l-MUT ġibdet l-attenzjoni tal-Ministeru dwarha sena ilu meta irċeviet informazzjoni konsistenti mill-iskejjel li l-Ministeru kien qiegħed jimmassimizza l-operat billi jinjora klawżola tal-ftehim settorali li tistipula li f’kundizzjonijiet eċċezzjonali biss […]

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Notification and condolences

May 29, 2019 at 1:17 pm

Notification and condolences

The MUT would like to notify members that on Thursday 30th May 2019 the Union will close at 1pm due to the funeral of the Union President’s father-in-law. The MUT would like to offer sincere condolences to Mr. Bonnici and his family during this difficult time.

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Id-direttivi tal-Malti u Matematika jibqgħu fis-seħħ wara li l-Ministeru ma ħa l-ebda passi biex tissolva l-problema

May 29, 2019 at 12:12 pm

Id-direttivi tal-Malti u Matematika jibqgħu fis-seħħ wara li l-Ministeru ma ħa l-ebda passi biex tissolva l-problema

L-MUT tinnota li tmien xhur wara li bdew id-direttivi għall-għalliema u HODs tal-Malti u l-Matematika, is-sitwazzjoni mhux talli baqgħet l-istess iżda marret lura. Għalliema ta’ diversi suġġetti, l-aktar tal-Malti u Matematika, ilhom madwar sena jingħataw aktar lezzjonijiet minn kemm indikat fil-ftehim, jiġifieri massimu ta’ 24 lezzjoni u 1 replacement (24+1), u l-indikazzjonijiet juru li għas-sena […]

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Reminder on CoPE Sessions

May 28, 2019 at 11:28 am

Reminder on CoPE Sessions

The MUT would like to remind members that CoPE sessions, apart from being during normal working hours and organised by management, should not have educators charged fees to participate. Queries and difficulties should be directed to the MUT through the usual channels.

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Directive to educators in State Schools who have Annual Examinations

May 28, 2019 at 11:25 am

Directive to educators in State Schools who have Annual Examinations

The MUT is reissuing this directive to all educators in State schools where there are examinations to refrain from teaching or supervising students who do not have examinations. The Union reminds that only students who have examinations shall attend school on the respective exam days. This applies to the Primary and Secondary sector where applicable. […]

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MUT objects to plans for Three LSEs in Primary Classes

May 24, 2019 at 3:55 pm

MUT objects to plans for Three LSEs in Primary Classes

As per last year, the MUT is again receiving reports about plans to have three LSEs in some State School classes. The Union reiterates that it has never agreed to this and the understanding has always been not to have more than two LSEs in a classroom.

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Meeting for Teachers and HODs of Mathematics and Maltese

May 24, 2019 at 9:55 am

Meeting for Teachers and HODs of Mathematics and Maltese

The MUT shall be holding a meeting for Teachers and HODs of Mathematics and Maltese on Tuesday 28th May at 4pm at the MUT in Ħamrun. During the meeting the Union shall provide an update about developments related to the directive in place and a decision regarding the way forward shall be taken. Members are […]

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Degrees leading to LSE3

May 23, 2019 at 12:27 pm

Degrees leading to LSE3

The Malta Union of Teachers received several queries regarding level 6 degrees being offered leading to the post of LSE3. After it enquired with the respective local authorities, the union would like to notify about the following: – Simply by stating that a degree is at level 6, does not mean that it is the […]

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Issue of teachers’ change in year groups

May 22, 2019 at 2:55 pm

Issue of teachers’ change in year groups

The MUT was in communication with the Directorates after it was informed that a number of schools are changing year groups of teachers after they carried out extensive work to introduce LOs of the respective year groups. The Union stated that this is clear mismanagement, disrespectful and very unfair on teachers who spent months to […]

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