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Author Archives: web_admin

Meeting for Student Services

June 24, 2019 at 11:45 am

Meeting for Student Services

A meeting for members and prospective members working at Student Services is being held on Tuesday 2nd July at 12.30pm at the MUT offices in Ħamrun. The purpose of the meeting is to update members about the collective agreement negotiations.

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MUT Office Summer Opening Hours and Recess

June 21, 2019 at 10:19 am

MUT Office Summer Opening Hours and Recess

Please note that the MUT summer opening hours will be between Monday 24th June and Friday 13th September both days inclusive. During this period, the Union will be open between 8am and 1pm. Also, summer recess will be between Monday 5th August till Friday 16th August both days inclusive.

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Kjarifika dwar iċ-Ċirkulari mill-MEDE rigward il-korsijiet għal LSE3

June 19, 2019 at 3:34 pm

Kjarifika dwar iċ-Ċirkulari mill-MEDE rigward il-korsijiet għal LSE3

L-MUT tirreferi għaċ-Ċirkulari DES 09/2019 rigward il-korsijiet LSE3 u l-progression. Minn informazzjoni li kisbet il-Union, l-iskop ta’ din iċ-Ċirkulari huwa sabiex tikkonferma li l-progression tibda dejjem minn Lulju tas-sena li fiha jispiċċa l-kors għal LSE3. Dan sabiex jekk ikun hemm korsijiet li jispiċċaw ftit qabel jew wara oħrajn, il-cut-off date, jiġifieri l-bidu tal-istep li jmiss […]

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Skema Mija – New Membership Scheme

June 19, 2019 at 3:21 pm

Skema Mija – New Membership Scheme

The MUT is launching a new membership scheme to commemorate its 100th anniversary. ‘Skema Mija’ is a membership scheme applicable to the first hundred members who enrol after 20th June 2019 and prior to 1st January 2020 whereby they shall: – Not pay any membership fee upon enrolment – Benefit from the full services of […]

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Various Church School Vacancies

June 19, 2019 at 3:07 pm

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – Assistant Head (Secondary) at St Aloysius College – Deadline is 28th June 2019. – Assistant Head (Primary) at St Monica School, Gżira – Deadline is 2nd July 2019. – Assistant Head (Secondary) […]

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Stqarrija: Id-direttivi jibqgħu fis-seħħ wara attentat iddisprat mill-Ministeru li jixtri u jifred lill-edukaturi

June 6, 2019 at 3:39 pm

Stqarrija: Id-direttivi jibqgħu fis-seħħ wara attentat iddisprat mill-Ministeru li jixtri u jifred lill-edukaturi

Wara laqgħa u vot fl-MUT bejn l-għalliema u HODs tal-Malti u Matematika, ġie deċiż u kkonfermat li d-direttivi tal-MUT ser jibqgħu fis-seħħ. Dan wara laqgħat f’dawn l-aħħar jiem bejn il-Ministeru u l-MUT fejn jidher biċ-ċar li l-Ministeru m’huwiex jifhem il-problema u minflok isolviha qiegħed sempliċiment jipprova jgħattiha ta’ malajr. L-akbar xhieda ta’ dan kollu huwa […]

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Urgent: Meeting for HODs and Teachers of Mathematics and Maltese

June 6, 2019 at 8:06 am

Urgent: Meeting for HODs and Teachers of Mathematics and Maltese

ATTENTION HODs and Teachers of Mathematics and Maltese. An urgent meeting for members shall be held on Thursday 6th June at 1pm at the MUT in Ħamrun. Members shall be updated about developments regarding directives. Please bring to the attention of colleagues to make sure everyone is informed about it.

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Stqarrija: Il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni jipprova jiskapriċċa lill-MUT

June 4, 2019 at 3:00 pm

Stqarrija: Il-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni jipprova jiskapriċċa lill-MUT

F’attentat biex jipprova jakkwista karti tal-eżamijiet ta’ malajr, il-Ministeru qed jipprova jirreplika dak li ġara f’nofs fl-eżamijiet ta’ nofs is-sena meta l-istudenti ingħataw karti tal-eżami li ma jinħadmux b’mistoqsijiet mhux fis-sillabu, karti kkupjati mis-snin ta’ qabel u mhux tal-livelli tal-istudenti. F’komunikazzjoni li ntbagħtet lill-iskejjel tal-Knisja mill-kurja, u li waslet għand l-MUT, jidher biċ-ċar li l-Ministeru […]

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Participation in the Council of Europe Child Participation Assessment Tool

June 4, 2019 at 2:23 pm

Participation in the Council of Europe Child Participation Assessment Tool

The Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity in collaboration with the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society within the OPE is taking part in an exercise of the Council of Europe on Child Participation, the Child Participation Assessment Tool. All entities working with children including Ministries, NGOs and professionals who work […]

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