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Author Archives: web_admin

100 Trees for 100 Years

November 12, 2019 at 4:19 pm

100 Trees for 100 Years

the Malta Union of Teachers and the Ħamrun Local Council As one of the activities marking the 100th anniversary from its foundation, the Malta Union of Teachers is donating 100 trees to the Ħamrun community which is the locality where the Union inaugurated its new headquarters a month ago. The MUT has therefore teamed up […]

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Issues with the Proposed SEC syllabi

November 12, 2019 at 4:18 pm

Issues with the Proposed SEC syllabi

The MUT has been in correspondence with the Permanent Secretary and with MATSEC after it was inundated with feedback regarding the proposed new SEC syllabi. Proposed syllabi shall increase teachers’ and SMT’s workload whilst reports are indicating that MATSEC is not receptive to feedback from educators. The MUT shall direct members if this issue is […]

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Duplication of work regarding Statementing

November 12, 2019 at 4:13 pm

Duplication of work regarding Statementing

All members are being directed to refrain from carrying out any duplicated work related to Statementing processes. Requests for documentation which is already available at NSSS should not be acceded to.

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Directive to all SMT and HODs Inclusion

November 12, 2019 at 4:11 pm

Directive to all SMT and HODs Inclusion

The MUT is informed that the format of the Statementing referral form has been changed without any discussion. The Union shall not accept an increase in workload due to an arbitrary decision of NSSS which decided to change the said forms without any discussion and consideration. Members are directed to continue to use the previous […]

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Il-mandat ma jintlaqax minħabba punt ta’ proċedura

November 12, 2019 at 3:28 pm

Il-mandat ma jintlaqax minħabba punt ta’ proċedura

Wara t-talba għall-mandat li tressaq mill-MUT kontra l-UPE fi ħdan il-Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin – Voice of the Workers, l-MUT irċeviet id-digriet mill-qorti fejn ġiet infurmata li mhix qed tintlaqa’ din it-talba għall-mandat minħabba li r-rekwiżiti kollha għall-ħruġ ta’ mandat ma kinux fis-seħħ. Dan ma jfissirx li l-MUT m’għandhiex raġun dwar it-talbiet li għamlet iżda li […]

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Il-proposta Malta Education – attenti minn informazzjoni qarrieqa

November 7, 2019 at 4:07 pm

Il-proposta Malta Education – attenti minn informazzjoni qarrieqa

L-MUT tirreferi għall-proposta tagħha għad-diskussjoni msejħa Malta Education. Il-Union tinnota l-ammont ta’ informazzjoni qarrieqa li qed tinħareġ u għaldaqstant tixtieq tiċċara dan li ġej: 1) Din il-proposta bl-ebda mod ma tfisser li ser jiżdiedu l-ħinijiet jew jintilfu xi kundizzjonijiet li nkisbu mill-MUT stess matul is-snin. Min qiegħed jivvinta u jallarma lill-edukaturi fil-post tax-xogħol qiegħed jagħmel […]

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L-Att Dwar l-Edukazzjoni – hawn hi l-informazzjoni korretta

November 7, 2019 at 4:07 pm

L-Att Dwar l-Edukazzjoni – hawn hi l-informazzjoni korretta

L-MUT tirreferi għall-Att Dwar l-Edukazzjoni l-ġdid (il-liġi) u ssostni li: a) L-Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni ma tagħmlu l-ebda union iżda jsir mill-Parlament li għandhu l-fakultà li jagħmel il-liġijiet. b) L-Att ma daħħal l-ebda inspections ġodda jew biddel il-ħinijiet tax-xogħol. L-MUT kieku kienet tkun minn tal-ewwel li toġġezzjona bħalma oġġezzjonajna s-sena li għaddiet meta kien hemm affarijiet […]

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Meeting for Student Services

November 7, 2019 at 3:16 pm

Meeting for Student Services

A meeting for members working at Student Services is being held on Monday 18th November at 3:30pm at the MUT offices in Ħamrun. The purpose of the meeting is to update members about current developments. Members interested in attending should fill in the form HERE.

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