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Author Archives: web_admin

Referenza għal spezzjonijiet fl-Att Dwar l-Edukazzjoni – kjarifika

November 5, 2019 at 12:32 pm

Referenza għal spezzjonijiet fl-Att Dwar l-Edukazzjoni – kjarifika

L-MUT tinforma lill-membri li mhijiex ser tkun qed taċċetta skrutinju ġdid fuq l-edukaturi. Dak li l-MUT dejjem sostniet, u li qiegħed jiġi kkwotat fil-liġi l-ġdida, ma jbiddel xejn mill-prattika eżistenti fejn l-ispezzjonijiet fil-postijiet tax-xogħol diġà jsiru u mhuwa ser jibdel xejn f’dan is-sens. Din il-klawsola fil-liġi fil-fatt ilha teżisti mill-2006. Permezz tar-reviews, il-Quality Assurance fis-settur […]

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Tweġiba lill-Orizzont u Inews rigward l-Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni

November 4, 2019 at 12:58 pm

Tweġiba lill-Orizzont u Inews rigward l-Att dwar l-Edukazzjoni

Din hija tweġiba għall-artiklu li deher illum fil-gazzetta L-Orizzont u Inews (li tinqara HAWN): L-MUT tinnota l-informazzjoni qarrieqa li nxterdet matul tmiem il-ġimgħa mal-edukaturi dwar il-kontenut tal-Att il-ġdid dwar l-Edukazzjoni u l-proposta għad-diskussjoni li għamlet ftit tal-jiem ilu l-MUT. Wara li sena ilu l-MUT kienet iddikjarat tilwima industrijali mal-gvern u ordnat azzjonijiet dwar il-kontenut tal-att […]

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Directive to ALL educators regarding the I Choose fair

October 31, 2019 at 4:45 pm

Directive to ALL educators regarding the I Choose fair

The MUT is currently in a dispute with MEDE regarding the agreement of Student Services Grades. Since the MUT has received consistent evidence that duties related to the I Choose fair are being passed to other educators, the MUT is hereby issuing a directive to all members irrespective of their grade to refrain from carrying […]

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MUT announces Centenary Conference – Malta Education in the EU Context

October 31, 2019 at 2:56 pm

MUT announces Centenary Conference – Malta Education in the EU Context

The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) is hereby announcing an International Conference as part of its centenary celebrations. The topics will be various and will include a discussion of the Malta Education concept recently proposed by the MUT. The conference will also be addressed by special guests Prof. Kirsti Lonka, Professor of Educational Psychology at […]

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Malta Education Survey by the MUT – meeting announced

October 31, 2019 at 2:46 pm

Malta Education Survey by the MUT – meeting announced

The MUT has commissioned a survey to gather feedback from members about its proposal entitled Malta Education. This survey shall be administered and analysed by Dr Vincent Marmara, who is renowned for his surveys in various areas including education and employment. Survey results shall guide MUT in the submission or otherwise of the proposal. Results […]

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Drinking water for educators in schools

October 31, 2019 at 1:38 pm

Drinking water for educators in schools

In correspondence with the Minister for Education and Employment, the MUT took up the issue of basic services to educators such as supply of water. Members are, for example, seeing that nurses are complaining about free food at the canteen whilst they do not even have the free supply of drinking water. Educators, in fact, […]

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MUT Attends seminar on the Right to Disconnect

October 31, 2019 at 1:35 pm

MUT Attends seminar on the Right to Disconnect

Earlier this week the MUT attended a seminar by MEUSAC on the issue of the Right to Disconnect, which is an issue first raised by For.U.M. (the confederation which the MUT forms part of). In today’s digital era, most workers always seem to be connected through their smartphone and other communication tools. This has created […]

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Meeting for Teachers and HODs of English

October 31, 2019 at 12:55 pm

Meeting for Teachers and HODs of English

The MUT shall be holding a meeting for Secondary State and Church for English teachers and HODs. This will be held on Friday 8th November at 4pm. The meeting will be held at the MUT in Ħamrun. Members are encouraged to attend. Please register HERE.

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Meeting for MCAST Managers

October 31, 2019 at 12:52 pm

Meeting for MCAST Managers

The MUT shall be holding a meeting for MCAST Managers. This will be held on Thursday 7th November at 4pm. The meeting, which shall be held at Block H landing (Mechanical Engineering), is for members only who are being requested to click HERE to register.

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L-MUT tressaq Mandat ta’ Inibizzjoni fil-konfront tal-UPE fi ħdan il-Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin Voice of the Workers

October 30, 2019 at 12:03 pm

L-MUT tressaq Mandat ta’ Inibizzjoni fil-konfront tal-UPE fi ħdan il-Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin Voice of the Workers

L-MUT, wara protest ġudizzjarju l-ġimgħa li għaddiet, ma kellha l-ebda soluzzjoni oħra ħlief li timxi b’mandat ta’ inibizzjoni fil-konfront tal-UPE fi ħdan il-Union Ħaddiema Magħqudin Voice of the Workers. L-MUT tisħaq li għalkemm dan huwa kollu ħela ta’ ħin minn kwistjonijiet edukattivi aktar importanti, din hija l-unika triq li setgħet tieħu l-MUT minħabba li l-azzjonijiet […]

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