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Category Archives: MCAST

Government proposals will lead to second and third-class lecturers at MCAST

February 22, 2018 at 11:58 am

Government proposals will lead to second and third-class lecturers at MCAST

Following a number of conciliation meetings with MCAST, the MUT cannot accept the hastily issued proposals made on the eve of industrial action. The latest offer made by MCAST will lead to second and third-class lecturers at the expense of lecturers of vocational subjects. MCAST started as a vocational college, and with the current drive […]

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MUT issues notice of Industrial Action at MCAST

February 16, 2018 at 12:49 pm

MUT issues notice of Industrial Action at MCAST

Following the withdrawal of the court mandate by MCAST, the Malta Union of Teachers attended three conciliation meetings whose outcomes were unsatisfactory. The MUT feels that there is no goodwill from MCAST to treat educators at par with other post-secondary institutions as confirmed when, rather than seeking a solution, MCAST tried to silence educators. It […]

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Taqa’ l-Maskra tal-MCAST

February 9, 2018 at 11:34 am

Taqa’ l-Maskra tal-MCAST

L-MUT tinnota li l-Kulleġġ MCAST ilbieraħ ħabbar li ser jirtira l-mandat tal-qorti li effettivament waqqaf kemm id-direttivi leġittimi tal-Union u anki t-tkomplija tan-negozjati tal-ftehim għall-edukaturi fi ħdan il-kulleġġ. Din hija mossa li turi kemm l-MCAST ma kellhom l-ebda argument u kienet biss tattika biex ikaxkru saqajhom għad-detriment tal-edukaturi, li bħalissa jinsabu b’moral baxx kemm għall-kundizzjonijiet […]

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MCAST introducing new dubious practices while MUT is muzzled by MCAST court actions

February 7, 2018 at 11:56 am

MCAST introducing new dubious practices while MUT is muzzled by MCAST court actions

Following the court prohibitory warrant to stop industrial actions and subsequent hearing, which effectively muzzled educators at MCAST, the management at this college are now trying to implement new dubious practices knowing that no action can be taken until the court of justice issues its sentence. This means that MCAST educators are now falling victim […]

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MCAST files a temporary prohibitory warrant to MUT to suspend industrial actions – a clear and unprecedented manifestation by MCAST to silence its educators

January 25, 2018 at 9:57 am

MCAST files a temporary prohibitory warrant to MUT to suspend industrial actions – a clear and unprecedented manifestation by MCAST to silence its educators

Educators at MCAST have been temporarily prohibited from proceeding with industrial actions, including a set of directives and two strikes which were planned for later today and tomorrow, until the case is heard in court next week. Yesterday afternoon, the Malta Union of Teachers was in fact slapped with a prohibitory warrant filed by MCAST […]

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MUT announces industrial action for members at MCAST

January 19, 2018 at 2:58 pm

MUT announces industrial action for members at MCAST

Following intensive meetings between the MUT, the MCAST management and the Industrial Relations Unit (IRU), it is clear that there is no willingness from the IRU to reach an agreement on how to give lecturers what they are due. This agreement expired more than a year ago and after long negotiations during this period, the […]

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Press Release: Industrial Action at MCAST suspended temporarily

January 4, 2018 at 1:29 pm

Press Release: Industrial Action at MCAST suspended temporarily

After a meeting held today, 4th January 2018, chaired by the Director of Employment and Industrial Relations between the official sides, composed of the MCAST Management and the Industrial Relations Unit on one side and the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) on the other, on existing issues between the parties on the Collective Agreement for […]

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MUT calls off MCAST strike following understanding on way forward

December 12, 2017 at 4:28 pm

MUT calls off MCAST strike following understanding on way forward

The MUT has today met again with the MCAST management, with the latter submitting another financial proposal for the Collective Agreement. This proposal is still not acceptable by the Union but following an understanding on the way forward for the negotiation of this financial proposal in the context of the whole Collective Agreement, the MUT […]

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