21237815 / 21222663
MUT issues notice of Industrial Action at MCAST

February 16, 2018 at 12:49 pm

MUT issues notice of Industrial Action at MCAST

Following the withdrawal of the court mandate by MCAST, the Malta Union of Teachers attended three conciliation meetings whose outcomes were unsatisfactory. The MUT feels that there is no goodwill from MCAST to treat educators at par with other post-secondary institutions as confirmed when, rather than seeking a solution, MCAST tried to silence educators. It is also evident that the whole court procedure only served to delay matters further.

In view of all this, the MUT therefore has no other option but announce once again industrial actions. These will be applicable as from Wednesday 21st February 2018 and will include the following directive: All lecturing grades, LSAs, Technical grades and Student Services grades are to refrain from publishing and/or supplying any type of assignment result, and/or grade, and/or related feedback in any form.

Furthermore, a strike of 2 hours each, between 10am and 12pm is hereby being announced for Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd February 2018.

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