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Category Archives: MCAST

Direttiva MCAST – ICS u IBMC

February 27, 2020 at 11:09 am

Direttiva MCAST – ICS u IBMC

L-MUT qed tagħti direttiva lill-gradi tagħha kollha fl-Institute of Community Services (ICS) u fl-Institute of Business Management and Commerce (IBMC). Id-direttiva hija li għandhom jitwaqqfu l-lezzjonijiet kollha mill-11.30am illum minħabba li m’hemmx provvista ta’ ilma f’dawn l-istitutes. Id-direttiva għandha tibqa’ effettiva sakemm is-servizz tal-ilma jerġa’ jiġi pprovdut. Din id-direttiva tapplika wkoll f’institutes oħra tal-MCAST li […]

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MCAST arrears

January 23, 2020 at 4:54 pm

MCAST arrears

Following meetings held between MUT and MCAST, MCAST has finally confirmed that it received the clearance to issue arrears to lecturing grades to compensate for the additional load which they had. MCAST assured MUT that arrears shall be issued in the next or the following payrolls.

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MG2i – lecturing and technician grades

January 23, 2020 at 4:52 pm

MG2i – lecturing and technician grades

MCAST confirmed with MUT that all work carried out for MG2i shall be compensated irrespective if held within the load limit or it is in excessive of it. Furthermore an agreement was reached so that, depending on the nature of the unit, technicians shall carry out duties for MG2i units and receive compensation.

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Issues related to MCAST MG2i courses

December 3, 2019 at 2:20 pm

Issues related to MCAST MG2i courses

The MUT is communicating with MCAST management regarding two issues related to the MCAST MG2i courses as follows: 1) The Union is objecting to the procedure being implemented whereby MCAST is not paying for all lessons carried out by lecturers who opted to give lectures in MG2i. The MUT gave an ultimatum until Monday 9th […]

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Meeting for MCAST Managers

October 31, 2019 at 12:52 pm

Meeting for MCAST Managers

The MUT shall be holding a meeting for MCAST Managers. This will be held on Thursday 7th November at 4pm. The meeting, which shall be held at Block H landing (Mechanical Engineering), is for members only who are being requested to click HERE to register.

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Update on the MCAST Classter

October 18, 2019 at 10:22 am

Update on the MCAST Classter

Reference to the directive issued HERE regarding the new online system being implemented at MCAST. The MUT held an urgent meeting with MCAST management whereby it was agreed that the Classter system shall only be piloted during the first term at the ICT institute. Thus all other lecturers SHOULD NOT USE the new system until […]

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MCAST Update

February 12, 2019 at 4:40 pm

MCAST Update

Following discussions in the past months with the MCAST management, an agreement has been reached on the progressions mechanism for respective grades. The MUT is informed that the first batch is currently being worked out. Meanwhile the MUT is lifting the dispute with MCAST. Discussions are also on-going on the implementation of the agreement including […]

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MUT obtains recognition of Managers at MCAST

February 1, 2019 at 3:31 pm

MUT obtains recognition of Managers at MCAST

Following a request by the MUT and a verification process carried out by the Department for Industrial & Employment Relations (DIER), the MUT is pleased to announce that it has obtained the recognition of Managers at MCAST. The Union will now start negotiating on behalf of this group and stay in contact with relevant members […]

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