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Author Archives: web_admin

New Scholastic Year

September 23, 2019 at 3:40 pm

New Scholastic Year

The MUT would like to extend its best wishes to all educators who are in the process of starting their new scholastic year. In the past months the MUT has worked on many issues and will proceed on working on many more in the near future while updating members as per usual practice. From negotiations […]

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MUT Gozo Office – 26th September 2019

September 23, 2019 at 3:38 pm

MUT Gozo Office – 26th September 2019

Date: Thursday 26th September 2019 Time: 1pm – 3pm For appointments please email or call the MUT during office hours. The address for the Gozo office is 86, Vajringa Street, Victoria.

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Directive to Guidance Teachers

September 19, 2019 at 2:07 pm

Directive to Guidance Teachers

The MUT is informed that Guidance Teachers are being requested to carry our duties which were previously assigned to Student Services grades. The MUT is therefore directing Guidance Teachers not to take any new duties taken from other grades who are following legitimate Union directives.

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Courses by the Department of Inclusion and Access to Learning starting this October

September 18, 2019 at 4:04 pm

Courses by the Department of Inclusion and Access to Learning starting this October

The Department of Inclusion and Access to Learning, Faculty of Education, is offering the following courses starting in October 2019: (1) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Facilitating Inclusive Education Offered as a 3-year full-time, 5-year part-time or 3-year Top-Up Degree. More information HERE. (2) A Master in Access to Education, a three-year part-time evening course […]

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Time-Tabling and Replacement Issues in Secondary Schools

September 18, 2019 at 2:39 pm

Time-Tabling and Replacement Issues in Secondary Schools

The MUT is often faced with issues regarding equitable distribution of replacement or cover lessons in secondary schools. In this light, the Union has always maintained the view that is good practice for schools to issue a master-time table in staffrooms together with daily replacement/cover schedule and a weekly list of replacement/cover lessons given to […]

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MUT obtains sole recognition of two new grades in Church Schools

September 18, 2019 at 10:02 am

MUT obtains sole recognition of two new grades in Church Schools

Following a request presented to the Secretariat for Catholic Education and the Directorate of Employment and Industrial Relations, the MUT attended a verification meeting whereby it was established that the MUT has 100 percent of membership in the grades of Career Advisors and Youth Workers. The MUT would like to thank members in these two […]

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MUT brings about improved employment conditions of retired teachers

September 16, 2019 at 3:24 pm

MUT brings about improved employment conditions of retired teachers

Following several representations made by the MUT to adjust the conditions of work of retired teachers who choose to remain in employment, MEDE has confirmed that the new call which has been issued includes the requested adjustments. This shall mean that the salary and allowances shall reflect the years of service and qualifications so that […]

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Security in schools, update on its implementation

September 16, 2019 at 3:22 pm

Security in schools, update on its implementation

The MUT has been requested by MEDE to assist in identifying a number of schools where new security measures shall be implemented first. The MUT shall be in discussion with MEDE and with respective school administrators about this measure. The improvement of security in schools is one of the long-standing issues being discussed between MUT […]

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MUT welcomes agreement to supply laptops to educators in church schools

September 14, 2019 at 7:53 am

MUT welcomes agreement to supply laptops to educators in church schools

The MUT welcomes the agreement reached between the Government and Church authorities for the supply of laptops for all educators in church schools. The MUT appreciates the efforts made by both parties to bring educators in church schools at par with their colleagues in state schools in terms of digital resources. The provision of laptops […]

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