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Author Archives: web_admin

LSEs – 15-il minuta brejk

January 21, 2020 at 4:25 pm

LSEs – 15-il minuta brejk

L-MUT tixtieq tfakkar lil-LSEs li qegħdin ma’ studenti one-to-one li bil-Ftehim Settorali tal-2017 huma intitolati għal 15-il minuta brejk. Ta’ min jgħid ukoll li, għall-kuntrarju ta’ informazzjoni li waslet għand il-Union, l-MUT qatt ma ftiehmet ma’ ħadd sabiex din il-kwarta ma tingħatax. Fil-fatt f’Diċembru li għadda l-MUT iddikjarat dak li jissejjaħ ‘Breach of Agreement’ fejn […]

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Updated: Directive on class visits by MATSEC personnel

January 21, 2020 at 4:23 pm

Updated: Directive on class visits by MATSEC personnel

The MUT is informed that MATSEC personnel shall be carrying out class visits to teachers who started implemented SEAC VET subjects. This is unacceptable as MATSEC is not the employer of teaching grades. In view of this practice, which has already started, the MUT is hereby directing all members to refrain from accepting any class […]

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Update 2: Directives to career guidance teachers and guidance teachers

January 21, 2020 at 4:16 pm

Update 2: Directives to career guidance teachers and guidance teachers

Originally published on 25th October 2019: The MUT is hereby directing career guidance teachers to refrain from carrying out work which is not being carried out by student services grades. They are directed to refrain from carrying out scheduled one-to-one sessions, participation in ‘I Choose’ fair and shadowing of trainees. The MUT shall extend directives […]

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Clarification regarding proposed draft document by MATSEC

January 15, 2020 at 3:57 pm

Clarification regarding proposed draft document by MATSEC

The MUT is hereby clarifying that it does not have any agreement with MATSEC regarding a proposed document of procedures for SEC exams. The MUT has provided its objections to the said document and is hereby instructing members to refrain from taking any actions based on the said draft document. Meanwhile the MUT is noting […]

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L-MUT tawgura lill-Ministru l-ġdid tal-Edukazzjoni

January 15, 2020 at 3:30 pm

L-MUT tawgura lill-Ministru l-ġdid tal-Edukazzjoni

L-MUT tifraħ lill-Onor. Dr Owen Bonnici li għadu kif inħatar bħala l-Ministru l-ġdid tal-Edukazzjoni aktar kmieni llum. L-MUT tawguralu filwaqt li tħeġġeġ li d-diskussjoni tissokta minnufih. L-isfidi tas-settur huma ħafna u allura hemm bżonn li nxammru l-kmiem immedjatament għall-ġid tal-edukaturi, l-istudenti u s-soċjetà kollha. Għaldaqstant il-Union ser tkun qed titlob laqgħa sabiex fiha jiġu elenkati […]

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L-MUT tifraħ lill-Prim Ministru l-ġdid – tistenna bi ħġarha l-passi li jmiss

January 13, 2020 at 2:46 pm

L-MUT tifraħ lill-Prim Ministru l-ġdid – tistenna bi ħġarha l-passi li jmiss

L-MUT tifraħ lil Dr Robert Abela għall-ħatra tiegħu bħala l-Prim Ministru l-ġdid ta’ Malta. Il-Union tistenna bi ħġarha t-tħabbir tal-kabinett tal-gvern sabiex b’hekk jitkompla x-xogħol urġenti pendenti fuq diversi oqsma flimkien mad-diversi proposti li diġà kienu qegħdin jiġu diskussi għall-ġid tal-edukaturi u l-edukazzjoni ta’ pajjiżna.

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Update on directive – Mathematics in Secondary

January 10, 2020 at 4:45 pm

Update on directive – Mathematics in Secondary

The MUT is hereby notifying members following feedback received from members regarding the current situation of Mathematics in Secondary. Particularly due to loading, the MUT is directing Teachers and HODs of Mathematics to refrain from carrying out any work on the proposed new syllabus of MATSEC. The union is also reminding members that directives issued […]

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Vacancies at Mariam Al Batool School

January 10, 2020 at 2:54 pm

Vacancies at Mariam Al Batool School

Mariam Al Batool School is inviting applications for the posts of Learning Support Educator and Regular Teacher at Primary Level. Interested persons are invited to ask for more information and/or send their CV by e-mail to or by post to The Head of School, Mariam Al Batool School, Islamic Centre, Dom Mintoff Road, Paola. […]

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Reading Running Records Directive for Primary Teachers

January 9, 2020 at 4:13 pm

Reading Running Records Directive for Primary Teachers

The MUT is informed that primary teachers are being requested to carry out Reading Running Records with their students. There is no agreement on this practice and the MUT is directing primary teachers to refrain from carrying out Reading Running Records. Any pressure is to be reported using the usual channels.

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