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Author Archives: web_admin

Various Church School Vacancies

January 8, 2020 at 9:54 am

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them:– Learning Support Educator (Gozo) – Deadline is 3rd February 2020.– Learning Support Educator (Malta) – Deadline is 3rd February 2020.– Literacy Support Teacher (Curriculum) – Deadline is 3rd February 2020.– Social Worker in […]

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Construction works affecting Marsaskala Primary

January 7, 2020 at 12:43 pm

Construction works affecting Marsaskala Primary

The MUT has contacted the Permanent Secretary to raise complaints from members regarding the situation outside Marsaskala Primary. In its communication the MUT stated that construction works near the school are affecting both the transport and also the lessons due to excessive noise, vibration and dust. The MUT asked the Ministry for Education to follow […]

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Allocation of additional holiday in 2020 as announced in latest budget

December 30, 2019 at 2:16 pm

Allocation of additional holiday in 2020 as announced in latest budget

Following discussions held between the MUT and the Ministry for Education and Employment, the additional day as a compensation for holidays falling during weekends in 2020 announced in the latest budget has been set for Wednesday 26th February 2020. This day has been defined for state schools whereas non-state schools are required to allocate the […]

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MUT Christmas Greetings & Recess Dates

December 19, 2019 at 4:10 pm

MUT Christmas Greetings & Recess Dates

The President, Officials, Council and Staff at the Malta Union of Teachers would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020. The MUT would like to express gratitude and appreciation to all its members for their constant support and contribution. MUT Christmas Recess Please note that on Friday 20th December […]

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Meetings held with Ministry on Breach of Agreement and on Malta Education

December 16, 2019 at 4:30 pm

Meetings held with Ministry on Breach of Agreement and on Malta Education

The MUT held meetings with MEDE with regards to these two issues as follows: Breach of agreement: The Union raised the breach of agreement ultimatum (announced HERE) during a meeting with MEDE. The MUT explained the sections of the agreement which are not being implemented and which shall lead to actions unless tackled. The Ministry […]

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Apply Now: MUT launches courses on mental health and artificial intelligence

December 11, 2019 at 3:36 pm

Apply Now: MUT launches courses on mental health and artificial intelligence

The Malta Union of Teachers, in collaboration with various entities, is launching a new initiative to underline the importance of continuous development and updating of knowledge on various topics. The following are the first two courses, both starting in January 2020, as follows: MUT Course 1 – Mental Health in Education – click HERE for […]

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Reminder on Directive related to LSE Replacement

December 11, 2019 at 3:07 pm

Reminder on Directive related to LSE Replacement

The MUT would like to remind all members about the directive that states that LSEs are directed to stick to their current arrangement. This means that LSEs who are shared in the same class and also LSEs class support should not be given replacements with one-to-one students when their LSEs are absent. Members who experience […]

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MUT obtains sole recognition at the Institute for Education (IFE)

December 10, 2019 at 3:36 pm

MUT obtains sole recognition at the Institute for Education (IFE)

Following a request for recognition and a verification exercise carried out by the DIER, it was established that the MUT has the majority of members at the Institute for Education (IFE). The MUT would like to thank members at the IFE for trusting the union and shall now be proceeding with discussions with members and […]

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