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Author Archives: web_admin

Appointment of Church Schools Employees following change in PSMC

November 27, 2019 at 11:37 am

Appointment of Church Schools Employees following change in PSMC

The MUT has set a meeting with the Secretariat for Catholic Education to tackle an injustice related to Church school employees appointed after a change in the PSMC. This means that serving officers who are appointed to new grades should not start from the first step of the scale but from a a higher point […]

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Replacement of educators on the premises

November 27, 2019 at 11:36 am

Replacement of educators on the premises

Members are being reminded that, as usual practice, they should not be replacing other educators who are on the premises. Members pressured otherwise can contact the Union for guidance.

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MUT 100th Anniversary

November 22, 2019 at 9:00 am

MUT 100th Anniversary

Today is the 100th anniversary of the Malta Union of Teachers! The Union thanks all members, past and present, for their contribution throughout these 100 years. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to continue working together for the benefit of educators.

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MUT International Conference part of centenary celebrations – 80.5% agree with principles underlying Malta Education proposal

November 21, 2019 at 3:55 pm

MUT International Conference part of centenary celebrations – 80.5% agree with principles underlying Malta Education proposal

As part of its 100th Anniversary celebrations, the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) held an international conference today entitled “Malta Education in the EU Context”. This included a presentation of a study and analysis on the Malta Education proposal conducted by researcher and statistician Dr Vincent Marmarà on behalf of the MUT. It also included […]

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Meetings: Student Services, Maltese and Mathematics

November 21, 2019 at 3:10 pm

Meetings: Student Services, Maltese and Mathematics

The MUT shall be holding meetings as follows: – For Student Services – on Tuesday 26th November at 3.45pm – please register HERE. – For Maltese teachers and HODs – on Wednesday 27th November at 3.45pm – please register HERE. – For Mathematics teachers and HODs – on Monday 2nd December at 3.45pm – please […]

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Directive on Challenging Behaviour in Resource Centres

November 19, 2019 at 4:59 pm

Directive on Challenging Behaviour in Resource Centres

The MUT is hereby issuing a directive to all Resource Centres in view of challenging behaviour being faced. The directive is being issued in view of a number of cases, the latest being the aggression leading to an educator suffering a fracture. The MUT is hereby issuing a directive empowering school administration in such situations […]

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MUT requests clarifications on mentors contracts

November 19, 2019 at 9:20 am

MUT requests clarifications on mentors contracts

The MUT is corresponding with the Permanent Secretary in relation to a contract for mentors following information from members participating in the Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Mentoring courses by the University of Malta. The MUT is concerned about the terms of the contract, namely the vague duties and the reference to prospective agreements. The MUT […]

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MUT objects to Mystery Shoppers in further and higher educational institutions

November 19, 2019 at 9:12 am

MUT objects to Mystery Shoppers in further and higher educational institutions

The MUT has communicated with the Ministry for Education and Employment after it was informed that Mystery Shoppers have been visiting higher educational institutions and are reporting about their visits. In one particular instance, the MUT has evidence that a student who enrolled in a course is acting as a Mystery Shopper, taking evidence from […]

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