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Author Archives: web_admin

MUT expects direction on COVID-19

February 25, 2020 at 3:11 pm

MUT expects direction on COVID-19

The MUT has communicated formally with the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for Education & Employment following the developments regarding the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). The union is concerned about the lack of direction regarding precautionary measures which need to be taken by schools upon their re-opening after the carnival recess. The MUT requested that the […]

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MUT ready to declare trade dispute following 48 hours ultimatum

February 20, 2020 at 12:12 pm

MUT ready to declare trade dispute following 48 hours ultimatum

MUT issues ultimatum of 48 hours since negotiations on four agreements including Student Services, MCAST Professors, MCAST Managers and University of Malta have been stalled since December 2019. Although MUT communicated formally with the respective authorities including OPM no meeting date has been received. MUT is ready to declare a trade dispute following this ultimatum.

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2020 National Epilepsy Conference

February 14, 2020 at 11:50 am

2020 National Epilepsy Conference

The Caritas Malta Epilepsy Association is holding a national conference with theme “Epilepsy: What’s New?” This is being held at the Dolmen Hotel on Saturday 14 March 2020 and will highlight recent advances in the treatment and management of epilepsy. This conference is of specific interest to persons with epilepsy and their families, educators, teachers […]

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OHSA Guidance about the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and Workplaces

February 13, 2020 at 4:08 pm

OHSA Guidance about the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and Workplaces

The Occupational Health & Safety Authority (OHSA) has issued a number of guidelines about the current coronavirus and workplaces, which the MUT is linking for all educators to follow. Members are also being requested to, as always, verify the source of information and not share posts that are not based on facts or originate from […]

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Updated: Meeting on UoM Collective Agreement at Junior College

February 13, 2020 at 3:52 pm

Updated: Meeting on UoM Collective Agreement at Junior College

The MUT will be holding a meeting for lecturers regarding the University of Malta Collective Agreement negotiations currently underway. This is being held on Wednesday 19th February 2020 at 2pm at the Junior College – exact venue to be announced closer to the date. Members and prospective members are invited to attend – please register […]

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Church School Vacancy – St Francis Secondary School Sliema

February 13, 2020 at 3:50 pm

Church School Vacancy – St Francis Secondary School Sliema

St Francis Secondary School Sliema, has issued a call for application for a Full-Time with indefinite contract Regular Teacher of Geography/History/Social Studies or Environmental Studies. Interested persons are invited to ask for more information and/or send their CV by e-mail to Closing date is Friday 21st February, 2020. This vacancy is being forwarded as […]

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Kors tal-MLI għal-LSEs rikonoxxut

February 13, 2020 at 2:19 pm

Kors tal-MLI għal-LSEs rikonoxxut

Rigward il-korrispondenza li l-MUT qiegħda fiha mal-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni u mal-Malta Leadership Institute (MLI) dwar l-issue tal-kors għal-LSEs, l-MUT tista’ tikkonferma li dal-kors ser jiġi aċċettat mill-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni meta jkun hemm is-sejħa. L-MUT tilqa’ din l-aħbar li għandha sserraħ moħħ l-istudenti li qed jagħmlu l-kors. Madankollu, l-MUT xorta turi t-tħassib tagħha rigward in-nuqqas ta’ struttura interna […]

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Directive regarding lack of relievers in kindergarten

February 12, 2020 at 2:25 pm

Directive regarding lack of relievers in kindergarten

The MUT is noting that the number of relievers in kindergarten has been reduced drastically following the February intake. This is resulting in an additional workload on KGEs. In view of this, the MUT is directing all KGEs in State schools to refrain from carrying out any inputting in the new online system.

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