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Author Archives: web_admin

Water pumps installed at Paola Primary Schools

March 10, 2020 at 4:37 pm

Water pumps installed at Paola Primary Schools

The MUT has been informed by MEDE that the water pumps at the Paola Primary Schools have been successfully installed and that they are working correctly. This was part of the plan of action as agreed between the Government and the MUT to ensure a constant water supply at the schools following the urgent meeting […]

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Direttiva fuq il-Breakfast Club

March 10, 2020 at 12:29 pm

Direttiva fuq il-Breakfast Club

L-MUT qed toħroġ direttiva oħra, din id-darba dwar il-Breakfast Club. L-istudenti li ma kinux qed jattendu l-Breakfast Club fil-ġurnata ta’ qabel għandhom jipprovdu ċertifikat mediku li juri li huma tajbin biex jattendu (fit for school). AĠĠORNAMENT: L-MUT qed tiċċara dawn il-punti: – iċ-ċertifikat mediku li qed jintalab biex jattendu l-Breakfast Club huwa l-istess wieħed li […]

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Updates on COVID-19

March 10, 2020 at 11:21 am

Updates on COVID-19

Update 11.04am: The MUT is currently in constant communication with the Ministry of Education on the COVID-19 situation. Yesterday evening, in view of the lock-down announced in Italy, the MUT requested that MEDE puts pressure on the authorities so that the countries/regions in the quarantine list is updated to include all regions of Italy. Update […]

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SAGĦTAR – Sejħa għall-kapijiet tal-iskejjel

March 9, 2020 at 4:00 pm

SAGĦTAR – Sejħa għall-kapijiet tal-iskejjel

Bħalma diġà għedna, il-Malta Union of Teachers qiegħda taħdem sabiex terġa’ tibda tippubblika r-rivista “Sagħtar” mis-sena skolastika li jmiss (2020-2021). Għal din ir-raġuni qegħdin nitolbu ftit informazzjoni mill-kapijiet tal-iskejjel tal-primarji tal-Istat, Knisja u Indipendenti sabiex ikollna bażi fuq xhiex nibnu l-passi li jmiss. Idħol HAWN għal aktar informazzjoni. Nieħdu l-okkażjoni biex nirringrazzjawkom ħafna bil-quddiem.

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Various Church School Vacancies

March 9, 2020 at 3:57 pm

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – IT Technican with the St Francis School Msida – Deadline is 23rd March 2020 – Social Worker with the Secretariat for Catholic Education – Deadline is 30th March 2020 – Learning Support […]

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Directive re quarantine of students – medical certificate being requested

March 9, 2020 at 2:53 pm

Directive re quarantine of students – medical certificate being requested

The MUT is hereby issuing a directive to all educators to refrain from accepting students returning from quarantine if they do not have a medical certificate certifying they are fit for school. This measure is being taken to safeguard the well-being of students and educators and is expecting ALL members in all schools to adhere […]

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Aktar direttivi mill-MUT fid-dawl tal-COVID-19

March 9, 2020 at 9:30 am

Aktar direttivi mill-MUT fid-dawl tal-COVID-19

L-MUT qed toħroġ sett ta’ direttivi ġodda li huma effettivi b’mod immedjat sabiex jittieħdu l-prekawzjonijiet kollha fid-dawl tal-aħbarijiet relatati mal-COVID-19. Dawn id-direttivi qed jingħataw lill-uffiċjali edukattivi (EOs) u uffiċjali oħra:– Jitwaqqfu kull konsultazzjoni, taħriġ u attivitajiet oħra li jinkludu l-parteċipazzjoni fi spazju fuq ġewwa ta’ aktar minn tletin student jew edukatur jew ġenitur. Dawn id-direttivi […]

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Updates COVID-19 following first case reported in Malta

March 7, 2020 at 2:38 pm

Updates COVID-19 following first case reported in Malta

Update 14.38pm. The MUT has been in contact with the respective Health and educational authorities and has received the confirmation that attendance data was checked and the affected student and sibling have not attended school. The MUT appeals for responsibility at this stage. The affected student and her sibling are part of a school community […]

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MUT declares trade dispute with MCAST

March 6, 2020 at 11:58 am

MUT declares trade dispute with MCAST

The MUT has contacted MCAST to declare a trade dispute over negotiations of the agreement for managers which are stalled. More information will be issued to members accordingly.

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