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Author Archives: web_admin

Aħbarijiet u sorpriżi relatati mar-rivista “Sagħtar” dalwaqt!

March 26, 2020 at 11:21 am

Aħbarijiet u sorpriżi relatati mar-rivista “Sagħtar” dalwaqt!

L-MUT ilha numru ta’ xhur taħdem sabiex terġa’ tippubblika r-rivista tant popolari “Sagħtar” permezz ta’ fondazzjoni li ġiet irreġistrata fl-aħħar xhur. Parti minn din il-ħidma tikkonsisti fil-ħruġ tal-edizzjonijiet passati tar-rivista f’format diġitali. Fiċ-ċirkustanzi li fihom ħafna tfal u żgħażagħ jinsabu d-dar mal-familja, ħsibna li ngħaġġlu ftit il-pjanijiet u għaldaqstant ser inkunu qed noffru l-ewwel sett […]

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MUT appeals for decisions on exams including MATSEC to be taken at the earliest

March 25, 2020 at 5:35 pm

MUT appeals for decisions on exams including MATSEC to be taken at the earliest

The Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) has communicated with the Minister for Education and Employment its positions regarding the current discussion on all exams including MATSEC. The MUT emphasised that decisions need to be taken at the earliest and should be communicated clearly with all stakeholders to reduce uncertainty. The MUT will continue to follow […]

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Directive for Heads of School on circular requesting endorsement

March 23, 2020 at 4:03 pm

Directive for Heads of School on circular requesting endorsement

The MUT objected with the Permanent Secretary at MEDE in relation to a circular entitled “Students’ Summer Work Opportunities 2020” which shall involve Heads of School endorsing such applications. The MUT stated that it cannot expect Heads of School to visit schools and meet students for such an endorsement. In view of this, Heads are […]

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For.U.M. Officials attend a courtesy meeting with the Prime Minister

March 23, 2020 at 3:58 pm

For.U.M. Officials attend a courtesy meeting with the Prime Minister

For.U.M. Officials attended a courtesy meeting with the Prime Minister Robert Abela and Minister Carmelo Abela on Monday 16th March. Officials discussed with the Government the role of For.U.M. and its contribution as a confederation both in the national and European sphere, particularly in the current unprecedented situation our society is facing with COVID-19. The […]

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Paid Study Leave Scheme for Scholastic Year 2020/2021

March 23, 2020 at 3:52 pm

Paid Study Leave Scheme for Scholastic Year 2020/2021

The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) announced the opening of the call for applications for Paid Study Leave (Category A) for scholastic year 2020/2021. Full details can be found in the letter circular HERE. Complete applications shall be received only through the MEDE Recruitment portal at The closing date for receipt of applications […]

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Directive on providing grades/assessment marks

March 20, 2020 at 3:14 pm

Directive on providing grades/assessment marks

The MUT has been informed that some teachers are being requested to provide grades to students. MUT notes that assessment is an objective exercise and this objectivity cannot be ascertained during this period. Members are therefore being directed to refrain from providing any grades to students. On a related note, the MUT contacted the Director […]

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MATSEC moderators

March 20, 2020 at 11:25 am

MATSEC moderators

The MUT contacted the MATSEC director after a circular was issued to schools about MATSEC moderators visiting schools in the coming weeks to moderate the marks given for school-based work. The MUT stated that at this stage it is understood that this is not possible and that the MUT shall be directing members to ignore […]

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Guidelines and tips for educators on the safe use of the internet

March 20, 2020 at 10:52 am

Guidelines and tips for educators on the safe use of the internet

During this very particular time, when educators are communicating with colleagues, students and parents through online platforms, the MUT feels compelled to issue some basic guidelines and tips on the safe use of the internet. These are not meant to be rules or instructions, but common sense advice for educators on what to do and […]

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MUT issues recommendation: please follow directions by Health Authorities

March 18, 2020 at 11:08 am

MUT issues recommendation: please follow directions by Health Authorities

(1) Following the issuing of Legal Notice yesterday, the Government announced this morning that school closure has been extended at least until the end of the Easter holidays. As things stand, the last day of the closure is Friday 17th April with schools reopening on Monday 20th April 2020. (2) The MUT urges everyone to […]

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Update for Educators on Current Practices from Home

March 17, 2020 at 10:51 am

Update for Educators on Current Practices from Home

Following the closure of schools, the MUT notes that educators across the country took the initiative to prepare, share and communicate educational material with their students, particularly through the official iLearn virtual learning environment in state schools, which was already in use before the COVID-19 situation, and other platforms. The MUT stands proud that as […]

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