21237815 / 21222663
MUT issues set of directives to members at MCAST following declaration of a Trade Dispute

December 4, 2018 at 10:15 am

MUT issues set of directives to members at MCAST following declaration of a Trade Dispute

The Malta Union of Teachers is hereby issuing a list of directives to members at MCAST following the failure of the college to honour the Collective Agreement reached with the Union earlier this year. The issue concerns the salary and allowances workings, which are being worked out wrongly and to date the majority of members still have not received their correct dues. This despite the assurance from MCAST that the issues were going to be resolved by November. Another issue concerns the progression exercise which has not been initiated even though affected grades have submitted their requests several months ago. The third issue is the Work Resources Fund, where MCAST has ignored the terms of the agreement in the issue of the refund of the works resources and issued instead consent forms to members outside of the established parameters. Furthermore the list of work resources is still not finalised and this does not augur well to the new mechanism of work resources applicable as from January 2019.

In view of this and until the said issues are resolved, the MUT is issuing the following directives:

1) No communication with management, including verbal, written, email, participation in staff meetings and meetings with coordinators;
2) Attendance records withheld by lecturers indefinitely;
3) Communication with students only within time-tabled hours;
4) No assignments submitted for verification purposes;
5) No participation in any extra curricular activities, including graduation ceremonies, media events, and institute visits;
6) No industrial visits, apprenticeship visits and internship visits.

These directives shall come into force from Thursday 6th December.

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