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Laptops issue in Church Schools – An update

June 17, 2016 at 12:44 pm

Laptops issue in Church Schools – An update

Following correspondence on the issue, the Archbishop’s Secretary for Catholic Education replied by stating that they regularly invest in technology and schools thanks to the contributions given by Government, the Church and the parents, and that they have already forked out the money to buy laptops for the teachers. The Archbishop’s Secretary also stated that contrary to his interpretation of the Agreement between the State of Malta and the Vatican, the Government authorities had refused to acknowledge this responsibility and in the end very reluctantly money that should have been used for other school improvements was used for the teacher laptops. Stating that laptop costs for LSAs and KGAs would cost some €860,000, he concluded that if Government does not give them this money as it should it means that it would have to be collected from the parents as they are the only other source of funding that we have.

In a reply, the MUT stated that decent laptops for educations purposes would cost considerably less. Also, they might consider a Work Resources Allowance. The MUT meanwhile concluded that it will not go into who provides the funds but that by the start of the next scholastic year things are in order.

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