21237815 / 21222663
Gozitan members working in Malta facing new transport issues due to COVID-19

September 7, 2020 at 12:43 pm

Gozitan members working in Malta facing new transport issues due to COVID-19

The MUT has been informed by Gozitan members that they have new two urgent issues related to transport which need to be resolved before the start of the scholastic year. The first is related to the ferry, which is currently carrying half the load of passengers. This is going to create timing issues with members arriving late at work. The second issue regards the minibus, which is also going to accept half the passengers. This would mean that for the same amount of people, two minibus would be needed instead of one when the reality is that it is already very difficult to find one minibus let alone two. The latter also means that expenses are going to be doubled. The MUT is looking into the issues and will update members accordingly.

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