21237815 / 21222663
Directive to all lecturers at MCAST on reduction of students’ learning entitlement

September 28, 2018 at 12:44 pm

Directive to all lecturers at MCAST on reduction of students’ learning entitlement

Following correspondence with MCAST management on the reduction of students’ learning entitlement, the MUT believes that MCAST is being very short-sighted and is not seeing the implications. MCAST’s position to safeguard student’s learning entitlement was so strong during directives of the Union earlier this year and made whatever possible to avoid students missing one minute of their lesson entitlement. However the same MCAST is now decided on removing a minimum of 12.5% of the lesson entitlement of students. Apart from this, the situation is even worse when considering that vocational units shall be affected whilst academic subjects shall be unaffected. This contradicts MCAST’s mission to bring vocational subjects at par with academic subjects and was also the main claim made by the MUT when negotiating the new agreement.

In view of MCAST’s decision, and since the unit content cannot be covered in the reduced time, the MUT has no other option other than direct members to reduce the lesson content by the respective percentage of the reduction in unit time.

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