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Category Archives: MCAST

Feedback form: MCAST Strategic Plan 2022-2027 and new MCAST Act

June 30, 2021 at 12:45 pm

Feedback form: MCAST Strategic Plan 2022-2027 and new MCAST Act

The MUT is asking members at MCAST to provide feedback in relation to the MCAST Strategic Plan 2022-2027 and the new MCAST Act. This will be submitted as part of the consultation process to the Ministry for Education and MCAST. Deadline for submission in the following form is by Wednesday 7th July at noon. Link […]

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MUT and MCAST sign new Collective Agreement for managerial grades

June 24, 2021 at 1:04 pm

MUT and MCAST sign new Collective Agreement for managerial grades

Following several months of negotiations, the MUT and MCAST have signed a new Collective Agreement for managerial grades at MCAST. This is the first Collective Agreement for these grades, who were previously not covered by any agreement. The agreement provides for an improved financial package including allowances, a newly defined grading structures and improved conditions […]

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MUT and MCAST reach solutions to pending disputes

June 22, 2021 at 3:59 pm

MUT and MCAST reach solutions to pending disputes

The MUT is lifting the dispute and directives at MCAST after the basis of an agreement has been reached about the main pending issues, including the interpretation of the Collective Agreement. This was concluded after two intensive meetings held yesterday and today, and which were facilitated by independent mediation. The MUT would like to thank […]

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L-MUT b’reazzjoni għall-informazzjoni qarrieqa maħruġa mill-MCAST bl-appoġġ tal-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni

June 22, 2021 at 9:27 am

L-MUT b’reazzjoni għall-informazzjoni qarrieqa maħruġa mill-MCAST bl-appoġġ tal-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni

Ilbieraħ it-Tnejn 21 ta’ Ġunju l-MUT u l-MCAST kellhom laqgħa twila ta’ medjazzjoni sabiex tinstab soluzzjoni għat-tilwima industrijali bejn iż-żewġ partijiet. Din il-laqgħa, f’ħin minnhom, kellha titwaqqaf u titkompla illum minħabba li l-MCAST talbu l-preżenza mingħajr preavviż ta’ uffiċjal ewlieni fl-Industrial Relations Unit. Dan, iżda, ma kienx disponibbli minkejja li kemm l-MUT, l-MCAST u anki […]

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MUT declares third industrial dispute with MCAST

June 9, 2021 at 2:20 pm

MUT declares third industrial dispute with MCAST

The MUT has today declared its third industrial dispute with MCAST. This dispute follows an ultimatum issued by MUT whereby the union requested MCAST to withdraw the unwarranted direction issued to high-risk educators. MCAST is the only institution which is not respecting the high-risk status of educators and is expecting educators who are considered high-risk […]

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MUT issued second trade dispute with MCAST

June 4, 2021 at 3:13 pm

MUT issued second trade dispute with MCAST

The MUT has given notice of a second industrial dispute with MCAST for the following reasons: 1) Failure of MCAST to sign a new collective agreement for Managers out of spite when the text and negotiations process has passed through all approval stages and is concluded; 2) Failure of MCAST to reach an agreement on […]

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L-MUT tappella lill-MCAST – ejja nsolvu l-interpretazzjoni tal-Ftehim Kollettiv għall-ġid ta’ kulħadd

June 3, 2021 at 1:55 pm

L-MUT tappella lill-MCAST – ejja nsolvu l-interpretazzjoni tal-Ftehim Kollettiv għall-ġid ta’ kulħadd

L-MUT qed tappella lill-MCAST sabiex tinstab soluzzjoni kemm jista’ jkun malajr għall-interpretazzjoni ħażina tal-Ftehim Kollettiv tal-letturi min-naħa tal-MCAST. Din l-interpretazzjoni ħażina, li qed taffettwa s-salarji, qed issir illum minn min ma kienx parti min-negozjati tal-istess ftehim fl-2018 u fis-snin ta’ qabel. L-MUT ippruvat tagħmel minn kollox sabiex tinstab soluzzjoni, iżda fin-nuqqas ta’ dan ma kellhiex […]

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