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Time-table issue for new HODs – an update

September 29, 2016 at 2:28 pm

Time-table issue for new HODs – an update

In a reply on the issue as reported here, the DG DQSE replied stating that extensive efforts have been invested by the Directorates for Education to ensure that the classification, deployment and timetabling exercises were completed successfully weeks if not months earlier than previous years, agreeably, with the evident benefits for school communities in particular. […]

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Mass re-deployment of Complementary Teachers in Gozo

September 23, 2016 at 3:27 pm

Mass re-deployment of Complementary Teachers in Gozo

The MUT wrote to the Director for Education Resources at the DES as it is informed that yesterday a meeting was held for all complementary teachers in Gozo wherein they were informed that a whole reshuffle would be taking place. In the meeting, complementary teachers were asked to “start packing their things” and leave to […]

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MUT Declares Disputes with MCAST, Church Authorities

September 22, 2016 at 4:15 pm

MUT Declares Disputes with MCAST, Church Authorities

The MUT has today declared a trade dispute with MCAST and with Church authorities on a variety of issues. In the case of MCAST, the Union has declared a dispute on two separate issues, which are the progression from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer grades and on the process of recognition of technical grades. On the […]

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MUT presents petition asking for a more humane justice system

September 22, 2016 at 4:12 pm

MUT presents petition asking for a more humane justice system

The Malta Union of Teachers has today presented an online petition after it collected almost 2,000 signatures asking for a more humane justice system. With this, the MUT is raising awareness that it is totally inhuman and unacceptable that court cases where the career, reputation and the very life of a person are at stake […]

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MUT to declare trade dispute if certain issues not resolved

September 20, 2016 at 4:21 pm

MUT to declare trade dispute if certain issues not resolved

The MUT wrote to the Principal and CEO at MCAST to note that although the summer recess at MCAST is well over, the recognition exercise of technician grades at MCAST and the resolution of the conflicting clauses for promotion to Senior Lecturer grades are still unresolved. The Union stated that in this light the MUT […]

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Clarification on SEC Course at GCHSS

September 19, 2016 at 4:34 pm

Clarification on SEC Course at GCHSS

The MUT wrote to the Permanent Secretary at MEDE regarding a report published on the Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School (GCHSS) newsletter which stated that the SEC Course will not be offered at GCHSS anymore following communication with the DES. Instead, from information gathered by the Union, the course will now be only offered by […]

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