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Author Archives: web_admin

World Teachers Day 2015: Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies

October 5, 2015 at 3:15 pm

World Teachers Day 2015: Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies

The Malta Union of Teachers is commemorating World Teachers Day 2015, held annually on 5th October, with the theme “Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies”. This is the official theme adopted by UNESCO and Education International and many countries will be celebrating it in diverse ways. Today Education International, with its affiliates worldwide including the Malta […]

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Trade Dispute at State Primary Schools

October 5, 2015 at 3:10 pm

Trade Dispute at State Primary Schools

The MUT wrote to the DG DQSE in relation to peripatetic teachers who are being removed from class to organise activities. The Union stated that while it has no objections if the Directorates want to organise a show for the Great Siege Anniversary, the Union can never agree that Primary School teachers are treated as […]

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BMI survey in schools: Directive to Teachers of Physical Education

October 5, 2015 at 3:05 pm

BMI survey in schools: Directive to Teachers of Physical Education

The Union is informed that Teachers of Physical Education are being requested to carry out the BMI survey in other schools and not the ones assigned to. Furthermore they are being requested to input related data even when laptops allocated are malfunctioning. In view of this practice which was not agreed upon, the Union is […]

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October 5, 2015 at 3:03 pm initiative by the Malta Community Chest Fund

Noffri is a new project aimed at increasing voluntary work through the collection of voluntary hours from the general public. Endorsed by HE the President of Malta, and managed by the Malta Community Chest Fund, this project will assist a number of voluntary organisations and aims to improve the quality of life of those in […]

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Lets make things better – sign for Fair Transport

October 5, 2015 at 3:00 pm

Lets make things better – sign for Fair Transport

Fair Transport Europe is an initiative to improve working conditions for European transport workers. These are the workers who keep Europe connected, but do so under increasingly deteriorating and inhumane working conditions. They are constantly being pushed to work harder, faster and for less money, and with no or very limited contractual safety nets. Click […]

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