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MUT runs Training for Peers in Malta as part of EU-Funded project

February 15, 2016 at 2:32 pm

MUT runs Training for Peers in Malta as part of EU-Funded project

The MUT has earlier this month implemented an important part of the project “Peer Review in Adult Learning to Improve formal and Non-formal Education (PRALINE)”, which is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union. The MUT has in fact delivered the first edition of the Training for Peers in the field of Adult education and learning following the train the trainers’ course held last year in which participants from all partners of the project were involved. The training delivered in Malta included officials from various national trade unions and from the Directorate for Lifelong Learning and Early School Leavers. With the support of transnational Peers, the newly trained Peers will now participate in the piloting phase, carrying out Peer Reviews for three Adult Learning Centres. More information can be found at

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