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Author Archives: web_admin

Stqarrija: L-Irwol tal-Edukaturi ma jistax Jibqa’ Jiġġebbed

July 11, 2018 at 8:36 am

Stqarrija: L-Irwol tal-Edukaturi ma jistax Jibqa’ Jiġġebbed

L-MUT issostni li filwaqt li l-proposta għal superviżjoni waqt it-trasport tal-istudenti hija waħda tajba, il-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni ma jistax jibqa’ jippretendi li r-rwol tal-edukaturi jibqa’ jiġġebbed sabiex jilqa’ għall-ħtiġijiet kollha li joħorgu minn wegħdiet li jidhru sbieħ fuq il-karta iżda li meta jitħabbru ma jkun hemm l-ebda pjan kif jistgħu jitwettqu. Dan qiegħed jingħad fid-dawl tal-informazzjoni […]

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Happy holidays to all educators

July 6, 2018 at 12:53 pm

Happy holidays to all educators

The MUT would like to thank all educators for their hard work during the scholastic year just ending and hopes for a well-deserved rest during the summer recess. In the next weeks the MUT has a series of tasks on which it will be working, including finalisation and signing of the MCAST agreement, the on-going […]

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Activity for ALL Educators including Retired by Retired Educators’ Section

July 6, 2018 at 12:45 pm

Activity for ALL Educators including Retired by Retired Educators’ Section

The Retired Educators’ Section is organising an activity for ALL educators including retired and future retirees. This will be held on Friday 13 July 2018 at Inspirations, St James Cavalier, Valletta at 12.30pm. Registration by Tuesday 10 July 2018. Full circular HERE. Meanwhile, MUT members who are retiring are reminded that they may opt to […]

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Sacred Heart College vacancies for Primary Teacher and LSEs

July 6, 2018 at 12:37 pm

Sacred Heart College vacancies for Primary Teacher and LSEs

The Sacred Heart College, Junior School, St. Julians has issued full time calls for the following: – Definite Post for a Primary School Teacher – Learning Support Educators Interested candidates are to submit an application, together with a detailed CV and an accreditation letter issued by the Accreditation Unit to the: Head of Junior School […]

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Collective Agreement Signing between ITS and MUT

June 28, 2018 at 1:51 pm

Collective Agreement Signing between ITS and MUT

Following over a year of discussions, the Institute of Tourism Studies and the Malta Union of Teachers sign a collective agreement for ITS academics. The collective agreement was approved with absolute majority by academics. For the first time, ITS academics will benefit from conditions at par to their counterparts in other Higher Educational Institutions in […]

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Directive for SMT on Social Contract

June 28, 2018 at 10:19 am

Directive for SMT on Social Contract

The MUT is hereby directing members not to take responsibility for the ‘Social Contract’ currently being distributed to SMT as part of Skema 9 (Ex-BM88). SMTs are being expected to provide copies before the end of the scholastic year, together with explaining the text and have it signed, to all parents whose students were accepted […]

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Vacancy for Primary Teacher – Mariam Al Batool School

June 28, 2018 at 10:17 am

Vacancy for Primary Teacher – Mariam Al Batool School

Mariam Al Batool School is inviting applications for the posts of Primary YR1 and YR4 Teacher – full time contract. Interested persons are invited to ask for more information and/or send an Application letter and CV by post to The Headmaster, Mariam Al Batool School, Dom Mintoff Road, Paola, PLA 9037 or by email on […]

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ITS Academics approve Collective Agreement

June 27, 2018 at 1:02 pm

ITS Academics approve Collective Agreement

With 89% of the member vote in favour, Institute for Tourism Studies (ITS) academics, which includes Lecturers and Learning Coaches, have today agreed to conditions and salaries and part of a new Collective Agreement with the Institute. This is the second agreement confirmed through a members’ vote in the space of a few days after […]

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MCAST Lecturers approve Collective Agreement with overwhelming vote

June 25, 2018 at 3:40 pm

MCAST Lecturers approve Collective Agreement with overwhelming vote

With 95% of the member vote in favour, MCAST lecturers in both Malta and Gozo have today agreed to conditions and salaries and part of a new Collective Agreement for the College. In a meeting held earlier today, MCAST lecturers voted overwhelmingly to approve new work conditions that include, among others, a vastly improved financial […]

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