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Author Archives: web_admin

L-MUT titlob li jittieħdu passi kontra allegazzjonijiet foloz fil-konfront ta’ LSE

September 7, 2018 at 9:02 am

L-MUT titlob li jittieħdu passi kontra allegazzjonijiet foloz fil-konfront ta’ LSE

L-MUT segwiet l-iżvilupp ta’ kwistjoni li bdiet fil-midja soċjali, fejn ġie rappurtat minn sezzjonijiet tal-midja li ġenitur allegat li LSE ta’ reliġjon Musulmana neħħiet salib minn klassi waqt Skola Sajf. Hekk kif ġie stabbilit mill-awtoritajiet edukattivi li l-LSE imsemmija mill-ġenitur ma kellha x’taqsam xejn mat-tneħħija tas-salib, u minnflok dan tneħħa temporanjament minħabba ħtiġijiet ta’ rinovazzjoni […]

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Obituary – Arthur Napier

September 4, 2018 at 12:00 pm

Obituary – Arthur Napier

The MUT sadly reports the passing away of Arthur Napier, former long-time Vice President and MUT Council member of the Malta Union of Teachers. The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital tomorrow, Wednesday, September 5, at 7am for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Marija Bambina) basilica, Senglea, where Mass præsente cadavere will be said at […]

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Call for KGEs to Join Working Group

August 28, 2018 at 10:35 am

Call for KGEs to Join Working Group

The MUT would like to request and encourage members who are KGEs to join the current working group to discuss and bring to the attention of the Union issues related to kindergarten. Working groups meet at the MUT premises, with meetings scheduled according to member’s exigencies and availability. All paid-up members from State and Church […]

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Reporting system for parents not agreed to

August 27, 2018 at 12:53 pm

Reporting system for parents not agreed to

Following an article in the media by MEDE in which a monitoring and ‘Reporting System’ for parents is to be introduced later on this year, the MUT would like to inform members that such a system has not been under discussion and was therefore never agreed to. The MUT also notes this unfortunate method of […]

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Various State Vacancies Issued by MEDE

August 24, 2018 at 10:39 am

Various State Vacancies Issued by MEDE

The Ministry for Education and Employment has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – Position of Part-Time Adult Educator – Position of Part-Time Educator – Position of Part-Time Adult Education Coordinator – Post of Assistant Manager (People Management) – Post of Manager I (People Management) […]

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Seminar for educators on Environmental Sustainability and the Economy

August 24, 2018 at 8:43 am

Seminar for educators on Environmental Sustainability and the Economy

MECB Ltd. and MCAST are organising a seminar for educators, NGOs, Local Councils & Stakeholders interested in environmental issues entitled “Sustainability by Shifting From Linear to Circular Economy”. This will be held on Tuesday 18th September 2018 between 10am and 12pm at the Institute of Applied Sciences, MCAST Main Campus, Coradino Hill, Paola. This seminar […]

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Various Church School Vacancies

August 24, 2018 at 8:38 am

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – Assistant Head at Immaculate Conception School – For more information please click HERE. Sacred Heart College, Junior School, St. Julians – Definite Post for a Primary School Teacher for scholastic year 2018-2019 […]

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MUT meets members of the National Book Council

August 21, 2018 at 12:45 pm

MUT meets members of the National Book Council

The MUT met the National Book Council in a cordial introductory meeting during which the issue of publishing copyright was discussed, particularly in the context of the new centralisation of photocopying in State Schools. The MUT has agreed to raise awareness on the issue of copyright, especially to make it easy to understand what is […]

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