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Author Archives: web_admin

Directive on Centralised Photocopying System

August 21, 2018 at 10:47 am

Directive on Centralised Photocopying System

Following objections made to the extension of the photocopying pilot project, to which the MUT received no reply from the Ministry for Education and Employment, the MUT is hereby directing members to refrain from providing any material to the printing press as part of this centralised system being introduced. The Union has informed the Minister […]

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Start of Scholastic Year 2018-2019 in State Schools

August 20, 2018 at 11:17 am

Start of Scholastic Year 2018-2019 in State Schools

The MUT would like to remind educators in the State Sector that the start of the 2018-2019 scholastic years is on Monday 24th September. Students will then start on Wednesday 26th September. The Inset days have now been removed and added to the summer recess. Also, the two preparation days are half-days as per previous […]

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Various Church School Vacancies

August 14, 2018 at 3:05 pm

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – Assistant Head at St Augustine College (Primary Sector). This is a full-time post. Deadline is 17th August 2018 – Assistant Head at St Monica (Secondary Sector – Gżira). This is a full-time […]

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Copies of Signed Agreements Available for Members

August 8, 2018 at 12:41 pm

Copies of Signed Agreements Available for Members

Printed copies of all signed agreements, including the Government Sectoral Agreement, the MCAST, the ITS and now the Church Schools Agreement will be available for collection from the MUT premises in Ħamrun as soon at the Union re-opens on Monday 20th August following the summer recess. We thank you for you continued support and in […]

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UPDATED with link to agreement: Signing of Church–MUT Collective Agreement

August 7, 2018 at 1:54 pm

UPDATED with link to agreement: Signing of Church–MUT Collective Agreement

JOINT STATEMENT FROM THE SECRETARIAT FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION & THE MALTA UNION OF TEACHERS Following intense negotiations, the Church Authorities and the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) have agreed on a Collective Agreement for Church Schools which will be effective from 2018 until 2022. The signing of this agreement was presided over by Archbishop Charles […]

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Edukatur li jersaq lejn l-uffiċċju tal-“Ombudsman” tal-MCAST ikun qed jirriskja – L-MUT toġġezzjona u twissi

August 3, 2018 at 9:45 am

Edukatur li jersaq lejn l-uffiċċju tal-“Ombudsman” tal-MCAST ikun qed jirriskja – L-MUT toġġezzjona u twissi

L-MUT qed toġġezzjona għal deċiżjoni mgħaġġla li ttieħdet mit-tmexxija tal-MCAST fejn, kif ġie kkomunikat lill-impjegati u l-istudenti ftit tal-jiem ilu, l-MCAST waqqaf uffiċċju msejjaħ tal-“Ombudsman” u ħatar persuna li tokkupa grad ogħli fit-tmexxija tal-MCAST bħala “Ombudsman”. Din id-deċiżjoni tqajjem diversi mistoqsijiet, partikolarment dwar jekk l-istruttura li twaqqfet hix konformi mal-leġislazzjoni li tirregola kemm l-istess MCAST […]

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Technicians Agreement at MCAST – A first for MUT

July 31, 2018 at 9:13 am

Technicians Agreement at MCAST – A first for MUT

On Friday 27th July, the MUT signed its first ever agreement for Technicians at MCAST. Discussions on this grade have been held during the past year and have intensified when the agreement on Lecturing grades, Student Services grades, LSEs and Technicians was being concluded. The new agreement provides the creation of a new grade, a […]

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Expression of Interest – Artistic Director

July 30, 2018 at 12:20 pm

Expression of Interest – Artistic Director

The Malta Union of Teachers is seeking the service of an Artistic Director. The successful candidate will be expected to provide an overall artistic vision, together with creating and leading a programme of activities, in relation to the 100 Years Anniversary of the Malta Union of Teachers (1919-2019). Please see the image above for more […]

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