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Author Archives: web_admin

Request for Information on Teaching Loads of 25 Lessons

September 26, 2018 at 2:17 pm

Request for Information on Teaching Loads of 25 Lessons

Members in Secondary State and Church schools with teaching load of 25 lessons are being requested to provide information in order for the MUT to assess the situation and act accordingly. Please fill in the form HERE by Friday 28th September, which will be strictly confidential. The MUT thanks everyone for their continued support.

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Request for Information on Lack of Staff at Schools

September 26, 2018 at 2:14 pm

Request for Information on Lack of Staff at Schools

Members in State and Church schools are being requested to provide information about lack of staff at their school in order for the MUT to assess the situation and act accordingly. Please fill in the form HERE by Friday 28th September, which will be strictly confidential. The MUT thanks everyone for their continued support.

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MCAST reduces students’ learning entitlement – MUT shall issue directives

September 26, 2018 at 9:55 am

MCAST reduces students’ learning entitlement – MUT shall issue directives

The MUT received reports that MCAST is reducing the learning entitlement of its students by reducing the number of hours allocated to study units. The reduction is considerable and ranges from 12% to 50% of the allocated hours. This unprecedented decision will affect both students and lecturers who shall be requested to teach/learn the same […]

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Work-life balance measures questioned by MEDE

September 26, 2018 at 9:48 am

Work-life balance measures questioned by MEDE

The MUT has been following the developments in the allocation of telework to Education Officers (EOs) employed by the Ministry of Education and Employment (MEDE). Despite assurance from MEDE high officials that there shall be no changes in the allocation of telework, the Union is informed that the allocation of this important work-life measure is […]

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Vacancy for Learning Support Educator (LSE) – Mariam Al Batool School

September 26, 2018 at 8:57 am

Vacancy for Learning Support Educator (LSE) – Mariam Al Batool School

Mariam Al Batool School is inviting urgent applications for the post of LSE: Supply or LSE I or LSE II. Interested persons are invited to send their CV by e-mail to For more information please call Mr Brian Vassallo, Asst Head on 79055666. This vacancy is being forwarded as requested by this third party […]

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Issues with transport at Resource Centres

September 24, 2018 at 4:33 pm

Issues with transport at Resource Centres

The MUT contacted the Permanent Secretary at MEDE since issues related to transport of Resource Centres are still unsolved in spite of the Union raising the matter several times. Apart from this, the MUT stated that even though a document was supposed to be reviewed and practices clarified, it is still receiving feedback about different […]

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Clarification on form teacher load and preparation days

September 20, 2018 at 3:13 pm

Clarification on form teacher load and preparation days

The MUT is issuing this clarification following feedback received whereby some schools may not be implementing the following according the Sectoral agreement for State schools and the Collective agreement for Church schools. Teachers who are assigned form teacher duties must be provided with one lesson per week included in the lesson load to compensate for […]

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Various Church School Vacancies

September 19, 2018 at 11:52 am

Various Church School Vacancies

The Secretariat for Catholic Education has issued various calls for applications including the following and has asked the Union to circulate them: – Assistant Head at St Angela Kindergartens. Deadline is 24th September 2018. – Learning Support Educator at St Francis School, B’Kara. Deadline is 28th September 2018. – Head of Department (Vocational Subjects). Deadline […]

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Directive for EOs not to Participate in Boards

September 18, 2018 at 4:06 pm

Directive for EOs not to Participate in Boards

The Malta Union of Teachers is hereby directing EOs at State Schools not to participate in boards. The Union had to resort to this directive to protect its members after EOs sitting on boards are being held responsible for shortcomings in the processes and procedures which ultimately do not fall within their remit. The Union […]

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