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Author Archives: web_admin

Sacred Heart College post for Learning Support Educator

February 11, 2019 at 2:17 pm

Sacred Heart College post for Learning Support Educator

The Sacred Heart College, Junior School, St. Julians has issued calls for Learning Support Educator. Interested candidates are to submit an application, together with a detailed CV and an accreditation letter issued by the Accreditation Unit to the: Head ofJunior School by email to by 12 noon on Friday, February 22, 2019. This vacancy […]

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Extension of deadline for options application forms

February 8, 2019 at 4:27 pm

Extension of deadline for options application forms

The MUT has been in correspondence with the Directorate after concern was shown by guidance teachers on the deadline of the options application forms. Following requests for an extension in date, the MUT is hereby notifying members that unless such an extension is granted by Wednesday 13th February, the MUT will be directing members accordingly.

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Directive to educators in State Schools who have Half-Yearly examinations

February 8, 2019 at 8:55 am

Directive to educators in State Schools who have Half-Yearly examinations

The MUT is reissuing this directive to all educators in State schools where there are examinations to refrain from teaching or supervising students who do not have examinations. The Union reminds that only students who have examinations shall attend school on the respective days. This applies to students from Year 9 to Year 11.

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Meeting for staff at ACTU

February 5, 2019 at 4:09 pm

Meeting for staff at ACTU

A meeting for Access to Communication & Technology Unit (ACTU) members and prospective members is being held on Friday 8th February at 4pm at the MUT Office in Ħamrun. The MUT will provide an update regarding the current situation.

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Update following meeting held: MUT requests clarifications from MEDE re memo to SMT in Middle and Senior Schools about courses abroad

February 5, 2019 at 10:08 am

Update following meeting held: MUT requests clarifications from MEDE re memo to SMT in Middle and Senior Schools about courses abroad

Following a meeting with MEDE regarding the Memo to SMT in Middle and Senior Schools about courses abroad, the following was discussed and agreed upon: – Participation is voluntary; – MEDE shall be issuing a per-diem allowance for travel in accordance with established practices; – Upon return from the visit, participants need to complete the […]

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MUT condemns yet another violent incident and once again appeals for security in schools – requests urgent meeting with Minister

February 4, 2019 at 3:16 pm

MUT condemns yet another violent incident and once again appeals for security in schools – requests urgent meeting with Minister

The MUT is yet again condemning the violent incident that occurred today at a school in Pembroke with two educators getting hurt in the altercation. The Union has been saying the same things over and over and unfortunately only instances like this prove the Union right. The MUT is currently in contact with the respective […]

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MUT obtains recognition of Managers at MCAST

February 1, 2019 at 3:31 pm

MUT obtains recognition of Managers at MCAST

Following a request by the MUT and a verification process carried out by the Department for Industrial & Employment Relations (DIER), the MUT is pleased to announce that it has obtained the recognition of Managers at MCAST. The Union will now start negotiating on behalf of this group and stay in contact with relevant members […]

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