21237815 / 21222663
MUT objects to changes in LSE system due to critical pending issues

August 23, 2019 at 12:02 pm

MUT objects to changes in LSE system due to critical pending issues

Following lack of proper consultation and discussion by the Directorate for Educational Services to iron out pending issues, the MUT is objecting to the change in which a new LSE class support system is to be introduced in Kinder 1 this scholastic year. With this system, learners with one-to-one statement of needs shall continue to be assigned the services of an LSE each while another LSE (same grade and job description) shall be assigned with all Kinder 1 classes exceeding 12 learners as from September 2019.

In its request, the MUT stated that it has only received sparse information prior to the issuing of circulars in which nothing had yet been decided. However the MUT still has serious questions on whether statementing would change, how many additional LSEs are required over a number of years, which schools would benefit, what is going to happen in Gozo, what is going to happen in joined groups in one class, how are IEPs to be affected, and how LSEs are going to be allocated. Meanwhile parents, KGEs, LSEs and SMTs are NOT prepared for the changes. No reply is forthcoming and therefore the MUT believes that this measure, in the current circumstances, is doomed to fail.

The MUT shall be updating members and does not exclude directives accordingly.

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