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Author Archives: web_admin

Query by LSEs on Daily Schedules

February 15, 2019 at 3:54 pm

Query by LSEs on Daily Schedules

Following queries on the matter, the MUT would like to point out that in the LSE daily schedules there is no need for the time of each lesson to be written down.

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Update on Leasing of Photocopiers in State Schools

February 14, 2019 at 3:39 pm

Update on Leasing of Photocopiers in State Schools

The MUT has requested a meeting with the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at MEDE with regards to the leasing contract related to photocopiers in schools. The Union has already expressed objections to the way this new photocopying system is going to work and is hereby directing members not to do administrative work in relation to […]

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Clarifications about Online Attendance in State Schools

February 14, 2019 at 2:57 pm

Clarifications about Online Attendance in State Schools

The MUT would like to clarify that when completing the online attendance teachers shall only indicate whether a student is present or absent. Justifications or reasons for the absence are not be completed by the teacher. In the meantime we would like to remind members that: 1. All teaching grades are under no obligation to […]

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Directive re work on research related to migrants in schools

February 13, 2019 at 3:50 pm

Directive re work on research related to migrants in schools

The MUT is informed that a research study has been commissioned to an entity to carry out research on migrants in schools. Since the research team appointed is expecting the work to be carried out by educators which is neither paid nor on a voluntary basis, the Union is directing all members to refrain from […]

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Vacancy for Learning Support Educator (LSE) – Mariam Al Batool School

February 13, 2019 at 3:46 pm

Vacancy for Learning Support Educator (LSE) – Mariam Al Batool School

A vacancy has arisen at the Mariam Al Batool School for the post of Learning Support Educators. Ideal candidates must be in possession of qualifications relevant to the post. Interested persons are invited to send their c.v. by e-mail to or by post to The Head of School, Mariam Albatool School, Islamic Centre, Dom […]

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MCAST Update

February 12, 2019 at 4:40 pm

MCAST Update

Following discussions in the past months with the MCAST management, an agreement has been reached on the progressions mechanism for respective grades. The MUT is informed that the first batch is currently being worked out. Meanwhile the MUT is lifting the dispute with MCAST. Discussions are also on-going on the implementation of the agreement including […]

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Update for KGEs

February 12, 2019 at 4:35 pm

Update for KGEs

The MUT would like to remind Kindergarten Educators that it is not within their role to change nappies and clothes. Children attending kinder should be toilet-trained.

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Another Workshop for educators on bullying

February 11, 2019 at 2:18 pm

Another Workshop for educators on bullying

Another workshop organised by psychologist Dr Carly Aquilina entitled “Understanding Bullying” is being held on Friday 15th February 2019 between 9am and 3pm at Porziuncola Retreat House. This workshop is for teachers, school counsellors, Heads of Discipline and other professionals working in schools. Interested educators should contact the organiser at for further details. Please […]

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