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Author Archives: web_admin

MUT meetings with MEP candidates and party officials

April 11, 2019 at 2:21 pm

MUT meetings with MEP candidates and party officials

The MUT has today met with Godfrey Farrugia for Partit Demokratiku as part of a series of meetings in the run up for the upcoming European Parliament elections. The Union has already met with Peter Agius, David Casa and Frank Psaila for Partit Nazzjonalista and with Alfred Sant for Partit Laburista and will continue to […]

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Free TEFL Course with EF Language School – Exclusive for MUT Members

April 8, 2019 at 4:01 pm

Free TEFL Course with EF Language School – Exclusive for MUT Members

The Malta Union of Teachers and EF Language School have teamed up to provide MUT members with a FREE course leading to TEFL certification. Places for this one-time offer are limited – the course will be held in June 2019. The only requirement for participating members is that they will have to commit to paid […]

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LSEs not obliged to accompany students on Job-Shadowing

March 28, 2019 at 3:56 pm

LSEs not obliged to accompany students on Job-Shadowing

The MUT would like to notify members again that LSEs have no obligation to leave their school and accompany their students on their job-shadowing experiences. The Union also notes that no pressure should be made on LSEs to comply and any such instances are to be reported to the MUT.

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LSE2 Salary Anomaly – MUT working on issue

March 28, 2019 at 3:45 pm

LSE2 Salary Anomaly – MUT working on issue

The MUT is aware of an anomaly that exists in the salary of a number of LSE2s who have progressed from LSE1 to LSE2 through the call and interview system, which was the old system now superseded by automatic progression. The Union is currently making representations with MEDE to address the issue.

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Nindirizzaw il-kriżi fil-professjoni tal-edukaturi

March 28, 2019 at 10:19 am

Nindirizzaw il-kriżi fil-professjoni tal-edukaturi

L-MUT qed terġa’ tqajjem għarfien dwar il-ħtieġa li tiġi ndirizzata s-sitwazzjoni ta’ kriżi li għandna fil-professjoni fejn il-ħtieġa ta’ edukaturi fil-qasam edukattiv qed tkompli tikber minħabba diversi raġunijiet. Dawn jinkludu: • Iż-żieda fil-popolazzjoni ta’ studenti fl-iskejjel minħabba studenti barranin;• Il-bżonn ta’ żieda fis-servizzi li jgħinu studenti li għandhom abilitajiet varji inkluż fil-litteriżmu u l-inklużjoni;• Iż-żieda […]

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MUT signs new Collective agreement with San Andrea School

March 25, 2019 at 4:21 pm

MUT signs new Collective agreement with San Andrea School

The Malta Union of Teachers and San Andrea School have today signed a new collective agreement for educators at the school. This following a vote by members at the school where the agreement was approved by 98% of the vote. The new agreement includes a vastly improved financial package with increases in both basic salary […]

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