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Author Archives: web_admin

Directive to Anti-bullying teachers

October 18, 2019 at 1:38 pm

Directive to Anti-bullying teachers

The MUT is hereby directing all anti-bullying teachers to refrain from carrying out any duties which are not being carried out by Student Services Grades following MUT directives. The MUT is informed that the respective Directorate (NSSS) is seeking all means to pass the workload not carried out by grades following directives to other grades.

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Update on the MCAST Classter

October 18, 2019 at 10:22 am

Update on the MCAST Classter

Reference to the directive issued HERE regarding the new online system being implemented at MCAST. The MUT held an urgent meeting with MCAST management whereby it was agreed that the Classter system shall only be piloted during the first term at the ICT institute. Thus all other lecturers SHOULD NOT USE the new system until […]

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Press Release: Update on Transport Supervision and LSE2 Salary Anomaly Issues

October 17, 2019 at 5:58 pm

Press Release: Update on Transport Supervision and LSE2 Salary Anomaly Issues

The MUT has been working on addressing the LSE2 salary anomaly and transport supervision issues and has already issued directives and ultimatums according to established trade union laws for the recognised trade unions. Transport Supervision Issue Following the ultimatum issued by the MUT on Friday 11th October (link HERE), the Ministry changed the decision which […]

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Directive to EO curriculum

October 17, 2019 at 2:49 pm

Directive to EO curriculum

The MUT is hereby directing all EO curriculum to refrain from carrying out any duties which are not being carried out by Student Services Grades following MUT directives. The MUT is informed that the respective Directorate (NSSS) is seeking all means to pass the workload not carried out by grades following directives to other grades.

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Directive to HOD inclusion

October 16, 2019 at 11:07 am

Directive to HOD inclusion

The MUT is hereby directing all HOD inclusion (INCO) to refrain from carrying out any duties which are not being carried out by Student Services Grades following MUT directives. The MUT is informed that the respective Directorate (NSSS) is seeking all means to pass the workload not carried out by grades following directives to other […]

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Directive to LSE2s appointed in 2016, 2017 and 2018

October 15, 2019 at 12:30 pm

Directive to LSE2s appointed in 2016, 2017 and 2018

The MUT has been making representations for months about a group of LSE2s who suffered an injustice due to recent changes in the PSMC whereby grades already in employment before their appointment to LSE2 progressed to step 12.3. This change impacted positively the latest group appointed in 2019 but not LSE2s appointed in 2016, 2017 […]

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Directive to Heads and Assistant Heads in State and Church Schools

October 15, 2019 at 12:04 pm

Directive to Heads and Assistant Heads in State and Church Schools

The MUT is hereby directing all SMT members to refrain from carrying out any duties which are not being carried out by Student Services Grades following MUT directives. The MUT is informed that the respective Directorate (NSSS) is seeking all means to pass the workload not carried out by grades following directives to other grades.

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Reazzjoni inizjali tal-MUT: Baġit xott għall-qasam tal-edukazzjoni

October 14, 2019 at 7:58 pm

Reazzjoni inizjali tal-MUT: Baġit xott għall-qasam tal-edukazzjoni

L-MUT segwiet b’interess sabiex tara jekk il-proposti li ppreżentat qabel il-baġit tal-lum ġewx milqugħa mill-gvern. Dawn kienu jinkludu: – inċentivi sabiex żgħażagħ jersqu lejn il-professjoni; – li tinfetaħ aktar l-eliġibilità tal-iskema tas-sabbatical u jiżdiedu l-fondi allokati għaliha; – li l-iskejjel li mhumiex tal-Istat jingħataw aktar għajnuna partikolarment riżorsi għat-tagħlim; – li l-Kunsill dwar il-Professjoni tal-Għalliema […]

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MCAST Directive not to use new IT Classter School Management System

October 14, 2019 at 4:47 pm

MCAST Directive not to use new IT Classter School Management System

The MUT just communicated with the MCAST Principal and is hereby directing members to refrain from using the new IT Classter School Management System introduced recently. Even though the intention seems to be good, this system has multitude of issues and is being done without any consideration to the lecturers` needs. Any pressure not to […]

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Directive to Early Intervention Teachers

October 14, 2019 at 4:44 pm

Directive to Early Intervention Teachers

The MUT is hereby directing all Early Intervention Teachers to refrain from taking any duties pertaining to student services grades (including Resource Workers) who are currently following MUT directives. Members are encouraged to report any undue pressure regarding the matter.

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