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Author Archives: web_admin

Updated: Assessment for Learning – no agreement on its implementation

January 29, 2020 at 2:51 pm

Updated: Assessment for Learning – no agreement on its implementation

The MUT notes that some members are being expected to use assessment for learning techniques which were never agreed upon with MUT. The Union is thus directing members to refrain from providing any such assessment modes and to stick with the assessment modes as outlined in the respective syllabi. Update 31/01/2020: The MUT had discussions […]

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Half-Yearly Exams marking days extension

January 29, 2020 at 11:10 am

Half-Yearly Exams marking days extension

The MUT has been in communication with the DLAP within MEDE whereby it requested an extension to the marking days. It was agreed that the marking days shall be extended from 6 (six) days from the date of the exam to 10 (ten) days from the date of the exam.

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Use of checklists (forms) during class visits

January 29, 2020 at 10:12 am

Use of checklists (forms) during class visits

The MUT has requested a meeting with the DES Director General in relation to checklists (forms) being used in most schools for class visits. The Union has objected about the said forms, which have never been agreed upon, and stated that such initiatives are increasing the workload on all educators including SMT. They also increase […]

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International Day of Education – 24th January

January 24, 2020 at 4:29 pm

International Day of Education – 24th January

Today UNESCO is celebrating the International Day of Education, which acknowledges the role of education for peace and development. UNESCO holds that without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and […]

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MUT meets new Minister for Education and Employment

January 24, 2020 at 4:16 pm

MUT meets new Minister for Education and Employment

The MUT this morning met the new Minister for Education and Employment Hon. Owen Bonnici together with the Permanent Secretary and the Head of Secretariat in a cordial introductory meeting at the MUT headquarters in Ħamrun. Apart from congratulating him, a number of issues were discussed, including the role of MUT as the recognised trade […]

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MCAST arrears

January 23, 2020 at 4:54 pm

MCAST arrears

Following meetings held between MUT and MCAST, MCAST has finally confirmed that it received the clearance to issue arrears to lecturing grades to compensate for the additional load which they had. MCAST assured MUT that arrears shall be issued in the next or the following payrolls.

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MG2i – lecturing and technician grades

January 23, 2020 at 4:52 pm

MG2i – lecturing and technician grades

MCAST confirmed with MUT that all work carried out for MG2i shall be compensated irrespective if held within the load limit or it is in excessive of it. Furthermore an agreement was reached so that, depending on the nature of the unit, technicians shall carry out duties for MG2i units and receive compensation.

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Meeting for Supply Teachers, KGEs and LSEs

January 22, 2020 at 1:42 pm

Meeting for Supply Teachers, KGEs and LSEs

A meeting for members who are Supply Grades (Teachers, KGEs and LSEs) is being held on Tuesday 28th January 2020 at 4pm at the MUT offices in Ħamrun. The purpose of the meeting is to update members on the supply grades agreement and so that a decision is taken on the way forward. Members interested […]

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SAGĦTAR – Sejħa għall-Kontributuri (individwi u entitajiet)

January 21, 2020 at 4:28 pm

SAGĦTAR – Sejħa għall-Kontributuri (individwi u entitajiet)

Bħala parti mill-pjanijiet sabiex terġa’ tibda tkun ippubblikata r-rivista popolari “Sagħtar” mis-sena skolastika li jmiss (2020-2021), il-Malta Union of Teachers tħabbar li qed tilqa’ applikazzjonijiet mingħand entitajiet, kittieba, edukaturi u kull min hu interessat li jikkontribwixxi b’xi mod f’din il-pubblikazzjoni. Ir-rivista hi maħsuba li tinħareġ kull xahar bejn Ottubru 2020 u Mejju tas-sena ta’ wara, […]

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