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Author Archives: web_admin

Update on Directives to all Educators regarding COVID-19

March 2, 2020 at 10:49 am

Update on Directives to all Educators regarding COVID-19

In addition to directives issued related to COVID-19 (coronavirus), the MUT would like to point out the following: – Members should not participate in any mass gathering activities held indoors including Assemblies, Mass and other indoor functions. The maximum number of persons to be accepted in a meeting is 30 persons.

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Direttiva MCAST – ICA

March 2, 2020 at 8:50 am

Direttiva MCAST – ICA

L-MUT qed tagħti direttiva lill-gradi tagħha kollha fl-Institute for the Creative Arts (ICA). Id-direttiva hija li għandhom jitwaqqfu l-lezzjonijiet kollha mill-9am illum minħabba li m’hemmx provvista ta’ ilma f’dawn l-istitutes. Id-direttiva għandha tibqa’ effettiva sakemm is-servizz tal-ilma jerġa’ jiġi pprovdut. Din id-direttiva tapplika wkoll f’institutes oħra tal-MCAST li għandhom l-istess sitwazzjoni. Kif l-MUT qalet diġà, […]

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Risk assessment of outings

February 27, 2020 at 3:02 pm

Risk assessment of outings

The MUT has requested an urgent meeting with the Ministry regarding the implementation of risk assessment of school outings and activities outside the school premises. The way risk assessment is being conducted is hindering the organisation of these activities. The MUT shall be updating members accordingly.

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Directive to educators at Paola Primaries – Lack of water supply

February 27, 2020 at 2:46 pm

Directive to educators at Paola Primaries – Lack of water supply

The MUT is hereby directing all educators at Paola Primary A and Paola Primary B to refrain from reporting to work at the respective schools from tomorrow 28th February 2020. This directive is being issued after the union has been following the lack of fresh water supply at the two schools. The situation has been […]

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Tolleranza żero mill-MUT għal nuqqas ta’ ilma f’istituzzjonijiet edukattivi

February 27, 2020 at 1:06 pm

Tolleranza żero mill-MUT għal nuqqas ta’ ilma f’istituzzjonijiet edukattivi

L-MUT ddikjarat tolleranza żero għal sitwazzjonijiet fejn ma jkunx hemm provvista ta’ ilma. Din il-miżura wasslet sabiex aktar kmieni illum l-MUT waqqfet il-lezzjonijiet f’żewġ isitituti fl-MCAST li ma kellhomx provvista ta ’ilma fil-faċilitajiet inkluż dawk sanitarji. L-MUT innotifikat lill-awtoritajiet edukattivi li mal-ewwel rapport li jaslilha li ma hemmx provvista ta’ ilma f’xi skola jew istituzzjoni […]

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Direttiva MCAST – ICS u IBMC

February 27, 2020 at 11:09 am

Direttiva MCAST – ICS u IBMC

L-MUT qed tagħti direttiva lill-gradi tagħha kollha fl-Institute of Community Services (ICS) u fl-Institute of Business Management and Commerce (IBMC). Id-direttiva hija li għandhom jitwaqqfu l-lezzjonijiet kollha mill-11.30am illum minħabba li m’hemmx provvista ta’ ilma f’dawn l-istitutes. Id-direttiva għandha tibqa’ effettiva sakemm is-servizz tal-ilma jerġa’ jiġi pprovdut. Din id-direttiva tapplika wkoll f’institutes oħra tal-MCAST li […]

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Reminder on Directive about Teaching Practice

February 27, 2020 at 10:36 am

Reminder on Directive about Teaching Practice

The Union would like to remind members about the directive for State and Church schools in relation to teaching practice (TP) issued previously. The directive states that those who are not trained and will not be remunerated as Mentors are not to stay in class while students are conducting their teaching practice. The TP Mentor […]

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Directives to all Educators regarding COVID-19

February 26, 2020 at 5:17 pm

Directives to all Educators regarding COVID-19

Following yesterday’s communication with the Permanent Secretary and in relation to the PR issued by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health (which can be read HERE), the MUT is hereby issuing these directives on COVID-19 (coronavirus) as follows: – No homework should be accepted from students who are unwell. […]

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