November 12, 2021 at 4:45 pm
Evacuation Drills in State Schools – information and directive
The MUT is informed that SMT in State schools are being requested to carry out evacuation drills during this term and to provide the respective documentation to the Ministry. Whilst the union agrees on the importance of evacuation procedures to be in place in all schools, the union is concerned about the exercise as the methodology used in carrying out such drills is in contrast with Covid-19 protocols in schools. Furthermore, some schools do not have the required H&S personnel to carry out these drills. This important role cannot be delegated to personnel who do not possess the required competence.
To this effect, the union is directing all SMT members to refrain from carrying out the requested evacuation drill unit until there are clear directions from respective authorities regarding the breach of the protocol and until that the process is carried out by competent personnel.