21237815 / 21222663
Update on Calls for LSA1 and LSA2 – MUT to declare dispute if not resolved by next week

September 29, 2016 at 2:32 pm

Update on Calls for LSA1 and LSA2 – MUT to declare dispute if not resolved by next week

The MUT wrote once again to the Ministry for Education and Employment about the issue of recruitment of LSAs. The Union was in fact informed that from the successful interviewees for the grade of LSA1 there are still persons, already employed by the PSC as supply, who are still awaiting their employment as LSA1. Also, the Union has been following and chasing the issue about the Call for Applications for LSA2 since before summer and this has not materialised. The Union thinks this is daylight theft of working conditions of workers who are doing exactly the same job, with a superior qualification and who due to procrastination not of their fault are being, for months on end, being denied their right to progress. The Union concluded that this situation is now unacceptable and that it expect both issues to be resolved by the end of next week. If not, it would have to declare a trade dispute.

In a reply the DG Operations stated that he will be looking into more detail about the cases concerned and will get back.

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