September 29, 2016 at 2:28 pm
Time-table issue for new HODs – an update
In a reply on the issue as reported here, the DG DQSE replied stating that extensive efforts have been invested by the Directorates for Education to ensure that the classification, deployment and timetabling exercises were completed successfully weeks if not months earlier than previous years, agreeably, with the evident benefits for school communities in particular. For a number of reasons, most of which beyond MEDE’s control, appointments of new Heads of Department (HoDs) were issued relatively recently, after the afore mentioned exercises had been finalised. The DG continued that in full respect towards work accomplished by so many other colleagues, especially Heads of Schools who, by the time new HoDs were appointed, had issued school timetables, and in avoidance of further implications on third parties, the Directorates refrained from expecting revisions to timetables. Nevertheless, it may be ascertained that:
– Notwithstanding efforts, in most of these cases HoDs could not be released from lessons on Tuesdays, hence their participation at Tuesday meetings with Education Officers (EOs) will for scholastic year 2016-2017 be limited to the barest essential per term;
– EOs are aware of the fact that given the limited participation of these HoDs at Tuesday meetings, their contributions will similarly be relative;
– Although there is no expectation for HoDs to necessarily travel intra-day, possibly more than once, any such travelling will be compensated as per established procedures, through the approved transport log book.
The DG concluded that by reaffirming that such arrangements for these specific HoDs will only be required for this scholastic year as applicable timetabling arrangements for next scholastic year will be given prior consideration.
In a reply to this, the MUT stated that it will communicate with interested members accordingly and get back if there are any concerns.