21237815 / 21222663
Transport requests circular – communication and directive

June 22, 2020 at 1:27 pm

Transport requests circular – communication and directive

The MUT refers to the circular issued by DES/DSS 01/2020 regarding student transport requests.

The MUT notes that the circular, which includes new procedures which have not been discussed with the union, refers to the procedure to assign transport to students. This has become more complicated with even a shorter deadline. The MUT has communicated with the DES requesting an extension in the deadline and discussion about the said circular. Furthermore, the MUT notes that this circular and the corresponding documentation refers to the request to SMT to provide copies of reports pertaining to students to justify requests made. The MUT notes that the said reports are already available on the online system so this request constitutes duplication of work. To this effect, the MUT is directing SMT members to refrain from providing any documentation which is already available centrally or at college level and to ignore the said deadline.

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