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Technicians Agreement at MCAST – A first for MUT

July 31, 2018 at 9:13 am

Technicians Agreement at MCAST – A first for MUT

On Friday 27th July, the MUT signed its first ever agreement for Technicians at MCAST. Discussions on this grade have been held during the past year and have intensified when the agreement on Lecturing grades, Student Services grades, LSEs and Technicians was being concluded. The new agreement provides the creation of a new grade, a progression system which recognises qualifications and experience, improved conditions of work and salaries. It also recognises the important role of technicians in the educational service to students. Discussions with members and their respective delegates have been ongoing and the final agreement was approved by members. The Union considers this agreement as the first of a series, as a recognition of members who provide services in educational institutions.

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