21237815 / 21222663
Press Release: The MUT asks: what is the Ministry of Education waiting for to take action on school security?

May 14, 2018 at 12:01 pm

Press Release: The MUT asks: what is the Ministry of Education waiting for to take action on school security?

After another serious incident that could have had much more serious consequences last Friday in front of a State Middle School, the MUT sustains that the Ministry should not procrastinate anymore on this issue and that if things remain status quo the Union will have no option but to take the necessary action to protect workers in schools. During the current scholastic year there have already been three serious cases reported in the media and the MUT notes that the trend in these cases is for them to be considered as isolated incidents. Also, everything possible is made for these cases to remain hidden so as to project the idea that everything is under control. This is being done in several ways, including the ongoing directions being given to schools.

The MUT is asserting that these cases are serious enough and that the Ministry shouldn’t wait for another case, and more victims, before implementing security measures including the continued presence of a security officer in schools and the strengthening of Police presence at the beginning and end of the school day when students are going in and out of the school. The MUT reiterates that the Ministry has already conducted a study on the security measures needed to be taken but the results of this study has been ignored.

L-MUT tistaqsi: X’qiegħed jistenna l-Ministeru tal-Edukazzjoni sabiex jieħu azzjoni dwar is-sigurtà fl-iskejjel?

Wara inċident serju ieħor li seħħ nhar il-Ġimgħa li għaddiet quddiem skola medja (sekondarja) tal-Istat u li seta’ kellu konsegwenzi ferm aktar gravi, l-MUT ssostni li l-Ministeru m’għandux jibqa’ jittituba milli jieħu l-miżuri meħtieġa u jekk l-affarijiet ser jibqgħu l-istess il-Union ser ikollha tieħu l-azzjonijiet neċessarji sabiex tipproteġi lill-ħaddiema fl-iskejjel. Matul din is-sena skolastika diġà kien hemm tliet każijiet serji li ġew irrappurtati fil-midja u l-MUT tinnota li t-tendenza f’dawn il-każijiet hi li jitqiesu bħala bħala inċidenti iżolati u li fejn hu possibli kollox jibqa’ mistur sabiex tingħata stampa li kollox hu taħt kontroll. Dan qiegħed isir b’diversi modi inkluż bid-direzzjonijiet li qed jingħataw l-iskejjel.

L-MUT ssostni li l-każjiet huma gravi biżżejjed u żgur li l-Ministeru m’għandux għalfejn jistenna li jkollu każ ieħor, u vittmi oħrajn, qabel ma jimplimenta miżuri ta’ sigurtà li jinkludu l-preżenza kontinwa ta’ uffiċjal tas-sigurtà fl-iskejjel kif ukoll it-tisħiħ tal-preżenza tal-Pulizija waqt id-dħul u l-ħruġ tal-istudenti. L-MUT terġa ttenni li l-Ministeru għandu diġà studju dwar il-miżuri ta’ sigurtà li għandhom jittieħdu fl-iskejjel iżda dan l-istudju baqa’ fuq l-ixkaffa.

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