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Press Conference: Malta Education – an MUT Proposal

September 24, 2019 at 12:52 pm

Press Conference: Malta Education – an MUT Proposal

Throughout its history of 100 years, MUT brought about changes in the educational system and the conditions of work of educators which are at times taken for granted but which have shaped the entire system. These include:

– The parity of esteem between female and male educators
– The parity of esteem between primary and secondary educators, and
– During the current MUT administration the parity of esteem between educators in the vocational stream and educators in the academic stream at post-secondary level. This breakthrough was carried out in the recent MCAST and ITS agreements.

The MUT is now embarking on another proposed major change which shall lead to the parity of esteem between educators in the primary and secondary streams with educators in post-secondary education. The Union believes that this may be carried out by changing the current educational scenario from one which is tied to the public service by moving to a proposed public sector entity entitled Malta Education.

This principle is not new as current and previous administrations have set-up specific public sector entities to cater for specific needs which would not have been catered for through the sometimes-rigid structure of the public service. This principle is also not new for education as MCAST, ITS and the University of Malta are all public sector entities.

The MUT is presenting this proposal for nationwide discussion whereby it is expected that it generates mature debate about the needs of the sector in order to provide a long-term vision for education. MUT shall enter discussions with the respective authorities and stakeholders to discuss this proposal and shall be explaining the implications of the proposal to its members in the coming weeks.

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