21237815 / 21222663
Presentation on cultural significance of birds to Malta and the Maltese

April 25, 2017 at 12:02 pm

Presentation on cultural significance of birds to Malta and the Maltese

AZAD academia has contacted the MUT as it is organising an event on Thursday 27th April at 6pm at AZAD Foundation 224, Republic Street Valletta. The theme is “L-Għasafar u l-Bniedem fil-Gżejjer Maltin” – a presentation regarding the cultural significance of birds to Malta and the Maltese, both past and present. The speaker will be Dr. Natalino Fenech, a keen ornithologist who holds a doctorate in the subject and has also published a number of books on it, such as “A Complete Guide to the Birds of Malta”. Dr. Fenech will view birds from the perspectives of being a food source, their presence in proverbs, folk singing, place names and local art, hunting and numerous others. More information here.

Please note that the Malta Union of Teachers is just helping out in dissemination of information and is not responsible for this event or its details. Queries and difficulties on the above should therefore not be directed to the MUT but to the entity responsible.

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