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MUT Lecture Series – 1st lecture on the new Minor Protection (Alternative Care) Act, Chapter 602 of the Laws of Malta

February 11, 2020 at 12:16 pm

MUT Lecture Series – 1st lecture on the new Minor Protection (Alternative Care) Act, Chapter 602 of the Laws of Malta

The MUT is announcing a series of 1.5 hr monthly lectures which shall cover a variety of themes related to the education sector. The first lecture in this series is being delivered by Mr Steve Libreri, Director for Child Protection Services and Ms Remenda Grech, Director for Alternative Care & Aġenzija Appoġġ at the Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS). This lecture shall introduce the new Minor Protection (Alternative Care) Act which came into force earlier this month. This act has considerable implications for all professionals including educators.

The lecture shall be held on Wednesday 26th February from 16.00 to 17.30 at the MUT offices in Ħamrun. There is no participation fee for members whilst non members have a participation fee of €30. Please register HERE by 24th February 2020 to participate.

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