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UPDATE (2): MUT appeals for Church Schools Recruitment Reform – to meet Archbishop

September 18, 2015 at 1:00 pm

UPDATE (2): MUT appeals for Church Schools Recruitment Reform – to meet Archbishop

MUT appeals for Church Schools Recruitment Reform – requests urgent meeting with Archbishop (16-09-2015 10.30am)

The MUT has appealed to Archbishop Scicluna to enter into serious discussions with the view of reforming the process of recruitment in Church Schools to reflect honesty, transparency and good practice. The Union, while requesting an urgent meeting with the Archbishop, stated that this is being done after it has been informed about what appears to be a spate of widespread abusive practices at a number of Church Schools when it comes to recruitment of personnel in teaching grades, especially teachers.

During the last weeks the Union has been informed by various members about shambolic practices that are not only a shame on those schools and their leaders but also a far cry from the “Catholic practice” being suddenly expected from Church School teachers. The Union outlined a number of examples of abuse, including teachers being blatantly told during the interview that they are female and therefore they cannot expect to get employment in a particular school since the school wants male teachers; others being terminated on probation for no apparent reason except perhaps because the post was being reserved for someone else; other teachers being called for an interview and never given a result and afterwards discovering that the vacancy has been filled or the same call of applications is being repeated again; others recruited as supply and negated the opportunity to work with regular employment even though the vacancies are permanent; and other teachers of specific subjects terminated on probation and replaced by an unqualified priest or religious person.

In view of all this, the MUT stated that it no wonder that certain Church Schools are avoiding collective central recruitment by the Secretariat for Catholic Education at all costs. The excuse of having a different ethos is just a smokescreen to cover up realities from schools wanting to avoid regularising these abusive practices. Members who spoke to the Union, in fact, stated that they were shocked by the treatment received by certain Church School leaders who should be leading by example.

In conclusion, the Union noted that it is not excluding further action, which might include naming and shaming the schools that are resorting to these practices.

*Meeting set with Archbishop and Secretariat for Catholic Education

Following the press release on recruitment in Church Schools, the Archbishop and the Secretariat for Catholic Education have accepted to meet the Union to discuss the issues. Meanwhile the MUT will continue to keep its members updated with relevant news on such important matters and asks members who have any experience related to this to inform the Union.

*MUT reacts to statement by the Church School Association

The Malta Union of Teachers refers to the reaction by the Church School Association (CSA) regarding the recruitment shortcomings reported in the previous days by the Union.

The MUT is not surprised at the stance taken by the CSA given that at least two members of its committee lead schools that have been reported with highly questionable and debatably abusive recruitment practices. The Union asks the CSA to make sure that before its members preach about ethos it makes sure that they are practicing it themselves. Meanwhile the Union also asks the CSA about what measures it will be taking with respect to its own members who are found to have abused the recruitment process.

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