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Malta: Round Table Meeting of the European Sectoral Social Partners in Education

March 7, 2018 at 11:52 am

Malta: Round Table Meeting of the European Sectoral Social Partners in Education

The following article has been published on the ETUCE website:

“On 15 February 2018, the fifth round table meeting of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue in Education (ESSDE) Capacity building project III took place in Malta. At this occasion, representatives of Malta Union of Teachers (MUT), partner to the project, as well as Maltese education employer organisations including the Ministry of Education and Employment and representatives from the Catholic Education of Malta met with EFEE and ETUCE to discuss the current state of play of social dialogue in Malta with a focus on how can social partners support teachers, trainers and school leaders. The ESSDE partners were joined in the discussion by representatives from the University of Malta, the College of Arts Science and Technology and the Institute of Tourism Studies of Malta, the Independent Schools Association and the trade union confederation For.U.M and Malta Employers Association. Discussions were enriched by the social partners from Greece: ETUCE member organisation OLME, and the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious affairs of Greece.”

Continue reading on ETUCE website HERE.

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