October 17, 2022 at 12:56 pm
Education Act, University Act, MCAST Act, ITS Act
The MUT addressed cabinet last week during a meeting dedicated to education. The main intervention of the union has been focussed on the respective acts which provide the legislative frameworks for institutions.
The Education Act, which covers education until compulsory school age, has been passed through all stages in parliament and yet the requested legal notices for its implementation have not been issued. The act would see the enactment of an education board, which shall take decisions for the interest of students in particular situations. The act also provides for the raising of the teaching qualification for new entrants to masters levels whilst KGEs and LSEs shall have their professional status through the widening of the remit of the Council of the Teaching Profession.
The University Act is in the making and the union is requesting that it is consulted following initial feedback provided in 2018/19.
The MCAST Act is currently passing through parliament and the union also expects that it is involved in its implementation.
The ITS Act requires additional Legal Notices to be issued, in view of the expanded courses and qualifications being offered and in view of the strategy of the institute.